
Light It Up! [Yearling Party]



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-26-2021, 04:52 PM
Laoise Adravendi

Lee followed behind Ardyn and Legacy at a lazy trot down the path that lead to the party, her bag of healing supplies bouncing softly on her side. She wasn't going to bring it at first but when Ardyn said there would be sparring matches, Lee decided to bring a few herbs for pain and some clay pots of salves for minor scraps and cuts that may happen. What better way for her to practice healing at a party that was bound to have a few knuckle heads showing off. But mainly she brought it just in case her brother happened to get a few cuts. A soft and amused smile danced on her russet lips at the thought. Soon the path opened up to reveal a few other yearlings setting out and or sampling the goodies spread out and Lee slowed her pace to a casual walk as her blue gaze scanned the party.

She didn't recognize the other yearlings, though Ardyn seemed to have as he went up to a girl and greeted her. Lee followed suit and said in a friendly tone "Hi i'm Lee." her blue eyes flicking between the two other females before her eyes drifted to the various drinks and snacks. She had already ate before she came so she claimed a ceramic bowl of sweet smelling wine to sip on while she watched the competitions. "You're going to compete in a fight and a race, right Ardyn?" she asked her brother, her russet brows coming together slightly as she tried to remember what he said a few days ago. She reclined to her haunches and neatly tucked her charcoal tail at her side with her healing bag and her drink in front of her while they all waited for more party goers to arrive.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think