
taking steps is easy; standing still is hard

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-08-2013, 09:23 PM

If he had passed this child in any other setting, he would've likely passed her by; it was not generally he was the one to initiate conversation. No, he preferred to silently suffer with the fate that had been bestowed upon him. But this girl seemed so utterly helpless that he felt himself drawn to her. Ears pricked forward as she physically jumped at the sound of his voice, a soft rumble of laughter falling from his lips. Her fear amused him, albeit briefly, and yet he did not feel compelled to make her suffer any further. Eyes narrowed, concealing his purple gaze ever so slightly, as she sprung to all fours and attempted to appear threatening.

Even for a yearling, he was rather large, just a few inches shorter than his mother ... already weighing over a hundred pounds, this girl seemed like nothing but skin and bones, no threat to him. Lips curled in the slightest smirk as she claimed she was not lost ... that she could leave whenever she wanted to. "I suppose that's why you have tears in your eyes," he retorted, his voice taking on the slightly taunting voice of a child -- but only for a moment. It was strangely reminiscent of teasing his brother, but he withdrew slightly, growing silent for a long moment as he eyed her. It was difficult, in the darkness, and so he crept forward a few steps closer. Normally on guard, he was slightly more relaxed now, not at all afraid of this girl. Nostrils flared again as he lowered his head, shoulders drooping as he inhaled her scent. Too familiar ... his mind wandered, gaze sweeping over her, empty save for a small spark of curiosity that lingered there.