
Splat! [Bog]


"Goes by Aka"


Master Intellectual (240)

Expert Fighter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
Pride - Pansexual1KDouble Master
09-26-2021, 05:37 PM

Áskell's heart was racing, his nerves tumbling over and over as he waited for a response. At first Bog stated that he didn't really know much about dating and that sort of thing either but then he suggested that Áskell could take him to see the volcano and call it a date. Áskell was struck dumb for a second. Did… did he just… did he just get a date? His first ever date? Áskell's expression was taken over by a wide grin. "Yea, that'd be great! The volcano is really something, we'll have to ask my alphess of course but if not there are some pretty neat territories nearby." He had a date! Áskell watched for a moment as Bog busied himself with tending to dinner. He was trying to imagine how date's went and what you were supposed to do on a date that was different from just hanging out with a friend. He felt a little ache in his heart, wishing his father were still alive to give him advice or that his mother had cared enough to stick around.

Áskell was pulled from his thoughts at the call of dinner. He eagerly padded over, still fidgeting with excitement and nerves. "Wow, that smells amazing!" The fish was divided and Áskell eagerly consumed his dinner, pausing only to shoot Bog a questioning glance as the other man insisted he try fish brains. Áskell had never really eaten anythings brains but to impress his potential boyfriend he'd definitely give it a try. "This is really good, I can see now why you take the time to prepare it this way. So the uh… the brain. How do you get it out of there do you just bite into the skull?"