
Something along those lines

Patrolling the border -Nav points-



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-26-2021, 06:02 PM

Winter was starting to creep its cold claws over the land once more, turning the morning air cold with a bite and frosting the plains grass under paw. Drachen's breath clouded in front of him from his dark, now nearly numb, nostrils as he walked along the line that separated Valhallan lands from the rest of the world. While his pace was slow and almost casual, there was a sense of purpose in the way he stopped to sniff a scents or listening to the world around him with his dark ears. His sapphire blue eyes scanned the plains looking for anything out of place or maybe too in place but so far everything was in order. He caught scent of an unfamiliar wolf at one point, the stranger scent obviously stopping several paces away from Valhalla's clear markers but Drachen trailed the scent aways as it turned and followed the border before turning back away after some time. The male made sure to mark the borders again with clear scent markers and even visual ones by the way of chewing on a few scrub branches and then rubbing his chin on them. Perhaps someone else would say he was a little overzealous with his patrolling duties but he would not have some rogue making an excuse of "oh I didn't realized there was a border" on his watch.

Drachen's nostrils flared again as he paused to scan his surroundings, his sharp eyes catching something moving out of the corner of his eye and his attention snapped to it. It wasn't an intruder but a large hare out looking for food before the deep cold and snow covered the vegetation. With a burst of speed and agility nearly that of a feline, Drachen's teeth made quick work of the hare so that it didn't suffer. Deep blue eyes then scanned the skies above him looking for his companion before dropping the hare from his mouth and yipping once to let Enzi know he was stopping to eat and for her to keep look out. She gave a sharp cry in response and he quickly tore off a large chunk for her and set it side while he devoured the remaining meat. It was a perfect breakfast and instantly filled him with energy for the remainder of the patrol. His pink tongue swiped over his black and tan lips a few times to clean his meal from his fur before he yipped again to Enzi so that she could eat her meal as well. Soon a shadow and a flap of wings fluttered above him as his red tailed hawk companion landed on the chunk of meat he saved for her. While Enzi was having her breakfast Drachen kept a look out of their surroundings, his ears listening and his oceanic blue eyes scanning the horizon.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated