
Come Onnn, Lets Hunt!




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-26-2021, 07:49 PM

Kotori really hadn’t been sure.  There had been several different ways he could have thought up handling the situation but would they have all been right?  Was this the best one?  Either way dad had agreed to it which brought a grin to Kotori’s muzzle.  The boy nodded at the reminder to stay low.  The moment his dad trotted off Kotori moved a short ways for what he assumed was the ideal position then squatted down waiting in excited expectation.

This would be his hunt!  Dad would chase it but he would make the final kill! Kotori realized he hadn’t verified with dad best place to attack.  Neck or leg seemed the obvious choices but was one wrong or at least better than the other? Kotori was puzzling on this as dad scared the deer right in his direction.   Well, Kotori imagined the throat would look great if he took it down in one shot like that but the leg was better on the odds for winning.  

It was hard not to jump out the second the deer came towards him but Kotori waited till it was just a stride and lunge away before leaping at it.  His teeth sunk deep into its leg and braced back while it was in mid leap.  The deer swung its antlers around and Kotori had to leap away or risk some nasty scars.  Still, dad had made it easy on him.  All Kotori had to do in the end was wait and the meal had come right to him!  Kotori was quite proud of himself for the plan working.

The buck had lowered its head to show off its antler’s and gave them a good shake.  It knew it couldn’t get away.  Blood slid down its leg and Kotori made his way closer.  The deer’s antlers were more impressive than Kotori’s horns but who needs bigger horns when you have fangs?

Kotori circled the deer as the animal did its best to keep its head facing the wolf.  It was desperate.  Surely dumb as it was the deer still knew it was going to die.  Kotori lunged fast to the right, the deer tried to compensate but the injured leg had it stumble.  Kotori took his shot and lunged in to bite the deer’s neck, using his weight till he got the deer to the ground.  The mighty hunter’s tail was spinning around in jubilation.  He would never admit it.

Kotori Fatalis

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]