
crafting supplies



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-27-2021, 08:05 AM
She felt similar to the boy who still stood over the heavy beast, dazed and uncertain of her life. They made it through the encounter alive but not without some damage. The jaguar had pierced her flesh, but her shoulders weren’t near as bad as Roman. After she said his name, needing his attention, he seemed to return to reality and his silvery gaze returned to him. She had plenty of wherewithal to realize his own wounds were probably far worse than her own. Maybe he didn’t realize it, but his soft command to sit still did keep her from jumping up and working to clean his wounds in turn.

Lillith followed his lead, breathing as he did, slow inhale, hold, and eased exhale.Her mind focused on the sound of the air rushing from his nose and the steady rhythm of his bloodied chest. He licked the blood from her stained pelt before garnet met his silver eyes. He brought one dark paw to her cheek in gentle affection before asking after her. The concern in his features couldn’t be hidden, and as the adrenaline faded she realized how close to death she had come. Again she beat the odds against her.

"Maybe a little bruise when I shoved it.” She commented quietly, unable to keep her eyes from shifting to the wounds that littered his body. "I’m perfectly fine compared to you.” The same concern fell over her features as she looked from one blood stain to the next. "We should go back,” she brought a first aid kit, but they were so close to home they were better off using the more varied supplies stocked there. Disappointment did not once cross her mind or expression. She was solely concerned with getting Roman seen to.
