
oh deer

Mara hunt!



3 Years
09-27-2021, 11:43 AM

Amaranth wasn't sure if Ed would come back and tell her what was what or if she should just expect a bunch of hooves in her face here in a minute, but she'd wager on the latter. Partially because the cat preferred to keep far away from any scenario that might mar his pretty pelt, and partially because if this other wolf was worth he salt, if she saw an opportunity she'd know to take it. Either way, she was right.

Mara watched the stranger move in towards the herd, slowly and carefully creeping closer until she was positioned just so. Satisfaction rippled through her in a wave, mirroring the herd's shock as grazing became flight. She caught flashes of the girls contrasting pelt between grasses below but her attention was soon pulled away by the oncoming charge. They were running on just right, as long as she stayed low and ready she might actually have a shot at this. Mara had wondered if maybe she would have to shift one way or another depending on where the herd bolted, but as it stood they would crest the rise practically right on top of her so she just crouched and waited, listening to the way the earth rumbled faintly beneath her paws.

At the last moment Amaranth stood, too late for the herd to course correct but with enough time to catch a clear look at her surroundings. Most of the deer were running up farther to her right side, but the doe charging most directly her way still had friends coming behind it too. Food for thought. The nearest wasn't the target she'd hoped for, it was younger and far more fit, but then the herd was upon her and the time to think had passed.

Mara ducked to the side just in time for the doe to brush past her, but was back on it quick enough that it only had time to flash her the white of its eye. Her teeth sank deep into the muscle of its hindquarters, she felt her canines slip in behind leg tendon, so she ripped back with a savage yank. Flesh tore and gave way as momentum carried the doe onwards, pulling Mara into forward step, primed to continue her chase until an explosive force slammed her offside shoulder and sent her stumbling into the dirt. She looked up, scrambling back to her feet just in time to see the fluffy white ass of another doe putting lengths on the hobbled one she'd torn into. It must have clipped her as it went past, and she'd be sore tomorrow, but the sight of her target limping and bloodied was too sweet to sulk about it now.


(Amaranth has a male Bobcat companion, if he is not mentioned assume he is not present)