
Campfire Songs and Fishscales [Tel]

Possibly Take too?



2 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverOverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSnake EyesCritical Block!
By the skin of my teethThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-27-2021, 10:25 PM

Takeshi had been doing his due diligence of patrolling the Ashen border down near Ibon island, close to the Bifrost, when the wind had brought the scent of his newfound friend Tel’Teukiira to him on the breeze. Curiosity getting the best of him, after all, they’d met much further north of their current positions, he’d changed his direction and started tracking her. It had taken him a fair amount of time, considering the winds were ever changing, especially along the coast, and it seemed she was on the move with another wolf. I smelled to be male, but of the same pack and he had to wonder who her travel companion was. Benjiro and Amaya flanked him, naturally, more of a shadow to his than his own.

Finally, he saw a flicker of light off in the distance. He was sure it was her tail swaying happily in the wind, and while he wasn’t entirely wrong, he wasn’t entirely correct. Moving closer, he was able to see the form of a dark male with long fur and saber teeth. The bigger point, much to his surprise, was that he glowed, much like Takeshi, but very different. It was like sparks flew across the other’s fur with each movement, sending pulses of light across his body. It was amazing, really. His glowing red gaze blinked in surprise, but he collected himself and offered a bark of greeting to let them know of his arrival if they hadn’t already sensed it yet.

"Thoughts/expression intention"

[Image: takechibisig.png]