
Something along those lines

Patrolling the border -Nav points-



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-28-2021, 06:12 AM

By the time Enzi tore off the last few pieces of meat, Drachen's nose began to twitch as he caught wind of a scent he didn't recognize. His dark face tilted towards the breeze as he breathed it in and the tension in his shoulders relaxed slightly as he caught the scent of Valhalla mixed in. He turned towards the sound of the bark to find the source of the new scent, an earthen colored female petite in size. He returned her friendly wag with a few waves of his own tan tipped tail and settled his oceanic blue eyes on her as she approached him the rest of the way. A tan brow arched over a blue eyes as she stumbled on her words, asking him if he would like come company on his patrol and the corner of his lip twitched subtly in an amused smile. He had heard through the grapevine that Cairo was training a young she-wolf and he could smell his friend's scent faintly on this girl. "Of course. Company would be wonderful." The Vaekhal male replied in his soft but confident tones. He then turned his eyes to his companion who had finished her meal and was watching the female with sharp golden hawk eyes and he nodded to the bird who then took flight. The black and tan male then started in the direction he was originally heading and motioned with his head for the girl to follow.

His pace was slower than before in consideration for the smaller wolf's strides but it did not hamper him as he performed his duties as his nose often scented the ground and air, then making frequent stops to listen to their surroundings. Several minutes passed in silence as he worked before he glanced at the she-wolf and rumbled "Are you familiar with patrolling a border?" He wasn't sure on what exactly Cairo was training the younger wolf on but if she needed or wanted training in this task, Drachen would be more than happy to give her a lesson, especially if the girl was going to stay. "My name is Drachen, by the way." his hushed voice rumbled from his chest, mentally wincing that he didn't give it earlier but he had been so focused on his task that he forgot his manners. "My companion is Enzi." he added in as his oceanic gaze scanned over the plains.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated