
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows


08-09-2013, 01:43 AM

The howl echoed through his skull like a gunshot but he did not move from his den, curled tightly back to back with his daughter. He had been leaving the den to hunt for them but since burying his mate the male had no desire to walk the boarders as he once had almost daily. His desire to arise from sleep was gone and often he found himself remaining in his den for days at a time. He knew Liberty left, he could often feel her slipping away from him and going out to do her own thing. He couldn't blame her... If he had the mental strength then he would have not wanted to stay in the den either but he just couldn't leave, couldn't summon the will power to drag himself outside. What was the point anyways? He knew no one in this pack, he had no reason to be here other then Liberty, and didn't even had a job to do. In a past life it felt he had been a healer so after a moment at least he moved his head to look towards the sunlight that filtered through the mouth of the den. But since coming to Valhalla it seemed that they were overflowing with healers and a few much more skilled then himself. Why even bother? He curled into himself tighter, closing his eyes and groaning softly. He felt Liberty stir and heard a soft sigh. What was it like for her to have a father who couldn't barely take care of himself? Was she embarrassed about him? Was she ashamed? He didn't want her to feel that way...

Slowly the male lifted himself, nudging his daughters shoulder tenderly before he slid out of the den's rather small entrance. He stood for a moment, blinking as his eyes attempted to get used to the suddenly over powering light. it took longer then he remembered but he resisted the urge to slide back into his den and he managed to adjust after a few minutes. He couldn't even remember how long ago he had heard the call but he set off towards the direction of the sound anyways. His head hung low enough that his nose almost touched the ground and his tail hung limply at his heels. He moved at a pace that could only be described as a trudge, paws dragging slightly and eyes only half open. He didn't want to be seen, didn't want to be around others, didn't want to bring everyone else down with his mood. As he drew closer he would lift his head slightly, attempt to look more alert but as he realized that he knew no one there his heart sank more. Why had he come? A nod was given to Erani who he only had seen at pack meetings. He had been there for her demotion, and for a few other times that she had spoken out. But the others were unfamiliar. He would sit slightly away from the others, speaking nothing to them and waiting to either be addressed or dismissed.

It had been a general call for healers and he was pretty sure only Aislyn had known of his knowledge of herbs, maybe they would simply assume he had wandered here and then tell him to go? It was mostly females here, they seemed fairly familiar with each other. Were they the official healers of Valhalla and he was just that one random guy who happened to know a bit about herbs? They were speaking to each other, one female was speaking to Erani and he didn't interrupt or introduce himself. Unless Aislyn or maybe Cairo had spoken to them about him then no one here would know him. He had just been Aislyn's mate who had sat in the background at pack meetings. Now he was mentally scolding himself for bothering to come at all and after a moment he was casting his gaze over his shoulder, wondering if they would notice at all if he just slipped off. He wasn't in the mood to learn or be spoken to, but Aislyn would have wanted him to be a bigger part of this pack. He had been working on that before she had passed, trying to insert himself a bit more. Though he had been more focused on paying attention to his family. So he would stay, if for nothing else then for Aislyn.