
Working late at the office; don't wait up



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-30-2021, 01:09 AM

Her life had been rather dreary for some time now. Exploring the lands both new and old got stale at some point, and she wasn't quite feeling the wanderlust like she used to. She supposed it had a lot to do with her getting older. She wanted to settle down in a pack...or with a partner...but the latter seemed to always be just out of reach for her. Her children were grown and had gone their own way. Or at least, one of her sons and her daughter had. She couldn't say for sure what had happened to her blind child...though she hoped he was alive and well, wherever he was.

She headed South, dainty paws carrying her through the fjord, her steps careful so that she wouldn't go slipping into the water nor tripping over any rocks that lay in her way. She felt more miserable then she should've felt, but again, she simply chalked it up to her age at this point. She didn't like the fact that she was getting older...and she was sure the inevitable would come sooner rather than later. And all before I even accomplished anything worthwhile in my life... Bitter thoughts for a bittering woman.

At least she still had her looks though. Her fiery toned pelt would never fade on her, not if she could help it, anyway.

Ears perked when she heard the familiar sound of someone taking a drink, molten gaze rising from the ground to see a dark-furred figure leaning against a tree with his muzzle in a bowl. Wouldn't it have been easier to just drink water? Or maybe he just liked being fancy and preferred to drink out of a bowl instead. Figuring she was in no rush to get anywhere, she boldly stepped up towards him until she was a mere few feet away. The strong stench of alcohol lingering in the air now that she was close. "Nothing better to do these days?" She said with a tinge of humor. She couldn't quite see his face with it shoved in the bowl, but if she were to guess, he was feeling as shitty as her if he was drinking out here alone.

"Talk" "You" Think
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