
Its Hard to Say Goodbye



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-30-2021, 09:27 PM

Arc knew he needed to get away and that was great, though Naiche’s heart somehow fell to his stomach at the sight of his brave boy biting the polar bear’s leg.  Naiche would tell the boy how foolish and brave it was later as Arc had managed to get the bear to at least cast a lower glance at the pup.  Those rage filled eyes on Arc for a moment weren’t fully on Naiche.  

The bear got two solid attacks at that same moment.  Naiche had jumped to aim for the bear’s throat, and a pangolin dropped down from a tree onto the bear’s head.  Gentle Pan threw a clawed-hand into one of the polar bear’s eye, using his other clawed-hand to dig into the shoulder muscle to try and get solid purchase.

Naiche’s teeth dug into the neck and was blind to Pan’s assistance.  The bear let out a new fresh roar of pain but the wolf was surprised when the bear’s paw waived away at something above.  The other paw came out to make a wild swipe and Naiche had to jump back.  That was when he saw Pan perched on the bear, blood coming from its injury and blood oozing where one of his eyes had been.  Damn.  Naiche didn’t have time to waste thinking on how awesome his pangolin was.  Naiche started a lunge in for the neck but the bear raised up high taking his neck out of reach.  The bear managed to grasp Pan and pull him off, the bear’s shoulder opening more as the claws were pulled out.  The pangolin rolled up tight as it was thrown rather like the curled ball he was.

Naiche jumped up to snap at one of the bear’s wrists while it was plucking at Pan, the yellow wolf hanging in midair a moment as he thrashed his head.  This time it wasn’t a bear paw that was coming at him but the bear’s muzzle.  Naiche let go and tried to step clear when a slap of a bear’s paw to Naiche’s backside sent the small wolf tumbling over himself.  Now they were both bleeding.  Naiche didn’t mind a bit of blood, the bear had to be worse.  Mostly it had been just paw that had hit Naiche but there was a deep puncture that had barely missed his spine.  

Naiche was getting up even as a fully enraged, partially blind, beyond thought polar bear attempted to stamp on top of the wolf.  Naiche staggered clear and found himself between two deadly paws, lunging up he bit into the same spot of the neck as last time, going deeper now that he’d already started on it.  This wasn’t a bite and let go, Naiche twisted and shook at the neck trying to tear his way through the throat.  The bear reared up, Naiche dangling from its neck.  

Naiche dropped back to the ground but didn’t try to distance himself.  Naiche felt how shaky his backside was and the bear was neither dead nor likely to run. Asla wasn’t here yet to protect Arc. Naiche flashed a grin as the bear lowered it’s head, both paws aimed at Naiche.  The wolf jumped to get the neck again, grinning as he knew how to kill the bear.  

The bear wrapped a paw around Naiche and attempted to yank Naiche off his throat.  Naiche squeezed his eyes shut and crushed his grip into the neck.  The bear was stronger and did pull Naiche away, those horrific claws digging into the small wolf, throwing him so that Naiche’s body rolled across the wintery ground.  

Naiche watched the bear.  He watched it stagger, it grunted, it panted as its life blood flowed out of it and eventually crashed into the ground.  With the polar bear down Naiche turned his attention for his son and Pan.  Naiche tried to get up but his body refused to allow it.  

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]