Hold me I'm scared
10-01-2021, 05:37 PM
Come down, come down sweet reverence
Jynn shuffled closer to Ophelia, eager for the comfort that her presence brought. That sense of comfort started to slip as Ophie responded to her with sound and no words. Jynn gazed curiously at the younger wolf, one brow raising. "Hey… are you ok?" Ok, besides the obviously creepy night of course. Jynn's head jerked suddenly to the side. A flash of blue out of the corner of her eye had caught her attention. Shortly after there was another flash. Jynn ducked down, trying to hide a bit in the grass. "H-hey, Ophie… what are those. Are those ghosts?" They weren't like the ghost she'd seen in the Wraith's Woods. That one looked exactly like a wolf but where his paws should've been he just faded into mist.