
Go on, take your money and run


08-09-2013, 09:10 AM


Euphrosyne smiled gently and curled her head around his neck as he curled up against her, embracing him to her. It was only then that she noticed that he had actually grown a little. She couldn't help but wonder how much more he might have grown had he had a proper diet, a pang of guilt for leaving him here by himself hitting her. She shouldn't have left him here, she should have taken him with her in the first place. At least then she wouldn't have had to worry about him and he wouldn't be so fearfully skinny. But, at the time, leaving had been the best solution. There was no other way for him to be sure that his family wasn't coming back and that they weren't somewhere in Alacritis. At least now he had is answer, no matter how awful of an answer it was.

She released him as he pulled back to look up at her, his silver gaze shining as he pleaded with her. Her gaze softened once more and she answered without hesitation, "Of course you can, Talon. It'd be an honor for you to live with me." She pulled him close once again, smiling as she nuzzled his neck affectionately. While she was nervous about the idea of having someone to care for, she did care of the yearling dearly and couldn't imagine telling him no. Pulling back to peer down at him again she gently licked the tears away from his eyes and added, "I'm going to do my best to take care of you, okay? You'll always have a home with me for as long as you want to stay with me."