
try and knock us down



11 Years
Athena I
08-09-2013, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2013, 11:48 PM by Alena.)

The ivory fea's claws met with flesh, though not exactly where she had planned. The brute twisted around so instead of hitting his shoulder her paws met with his hip, her claws catching on his skin and creating cuts along his hip. It wasn't as solid of a blow as she would have liked, earning her only shallow cuts, but it was enough to knock him away from her by several feet. That distance gave Alena enough time to settle back onto her paws. She folded her ears flat against her skull once more, lowering her head so that her neck was flat with her spine and leveled her tail with her spine as well. She widened her stance once again, trying to give herself some stability even though she was beginning to believe there was no stability to be had here on the muddy. Her eyes were narrowed, both to keep her opponent from going for the violet gems and also to try and fend off the rain that was threatening to obscure her vision. Her pelt was soaked, the thick white pelt clinging to her and dragging her down. She refused to back down or forfeit however. She was in this fight for the long haul.

Alena watched as Killian righted himself and came after her yet again, aiming for her left side and reaching for her scruff. Thanks to her pulling her head back toward her body, she had left him plenty of scruff for her to grab onto, avoiding any real damage to her neck. An idea popped into her head at the last second and she smirked, readying herself to try it. She pretended to try and get away, her paws slipping on the mud has he was probably expecting. As soon as she felt his teeth latch firmly onto her scruff, his fangs piercing the skin slightly and drawing blood, Alena rag dolled. She let her body go completely limp and she flopped to the ground, hitting her right side with a solid thump and hopefully pulling him down into the mud with her. Her already sore right side didn't appreciate being hit against the ground yet again, her shoulder taking the worst of the damage this time, making the ache even worse. Luckily the ground had softened enough that it helped absorb some of the impact. Whether or not he hit the ground with her, she twisted her body to reach for his left foreleg with outstretched jaws, hoping that the drop had been enough of a surprise that she could get a solid bit in on the limb. As she launched her latest attack, she curled the rest of her body into a ball to protect her tender stomach, body twisting and moving easily on the slick ground. Her ears remained pinned back against her skull and her eyes remained slits to make them to make them less likely targets.


Round: 3/4

Attacks: rag dolled to pull him down with her, aiming for a bite to his left foreleg

Defenses: Widened stance, ears pinned back, her eyes slitted, neck level with spine and pulled back toward her shoulders, tail level with her spine for balance, body curled to protect stomach.

Injuries: Sore right side and right shoulder, probably bruised. Bite mark on her scruff, blood drawn.

EDIT: forgot one of her defenses, fixed a spelling error, aaaand forgot to fill in attacks x_x sorry!!
