
You're that one guy from that one thing, right?

Chimera take 2



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
10-01-2021, 07:10 PM
Segin watched the other man's face curiously as he seemed to process his offer of how he could be paid back, a whole range of expressions flickering across his split colored face. He raised a brow and had to fight back a smirk as the larger man's eyes narrowed and he sneered. Segin thought perhaps this was the beginning of his denial of the proposition and then he could more reasonably wave off the man's insistence of repaying him for the favor he had given him, but then his expression began to smooth and get more thoughtful and Segin watched as the scales began to tip in the other direction. He blinked with a bit of surprise as he was approached, a little grin pulling across his lips and his heart skipping a beat at the gruff response he finally received. He was genuinely shocked that the suggestion was accepted, but he wasn't disappointed in the slightest. He very clearly didn't know what he was getting himself into, but that didn't slow him down.

"Trust me, I know that all too well," he said with a chuckle as he got to his paws and gave himself a quick shake, his voice taking on a bit more of a sultry tone. He surprised even himself with how easy it was for him to fall back into his old ways and how casual and easy it felt as he stepped toward the larger man. He lifted a dark paw to lightly nudge the man's chest, getting him to sit back onto his haunches and giving him a smirk with a glance of his silver gaze before he lowered his head down between monochromatic thighs. There was a very obvious difference between how he felt now with this almost stranger and how he felt when he was with someone he actually cared about like Emersyn or Indigo, but this had it's own appeal as well. Even if he had more genuine caring relationships now, he didn't know if he'd ever fully give up these more casual, one off flings - especially not when the wolf in question was a massive, domineering man like this one.

The upper half of his body was lowered to the ground between his momentary partner's legs with his ebony tail swishing occasionally in the air while he took his time pleasuring the other man and getting him ready for the main event, enjoying even this portion of things as well. Even though he hadn't partaken in the more physical pleasure focused side of himself in a while it didn't mean he didn't enjoy it. The only real difference now was that he could do these things from his own free will and not a desperation just to feel something. He pulled back after a while with a gasp, swiping his tongue across his lips as he looked back up at the two toned gaze above him. "I think that should do it," he said with a smirk, leaving his hips in the air expectantly.

Segin Epsilon