
Pull the Ripcord



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-01-2021, 07:31 PM
Chimera had kept both women trapped within his bedroom for the duration of that dreaded night, alternating fucking each of them in turn until all three wolves were utterly spent and exhausted, crashing just before dawn broke over the eastern sea. The following day, Chimera had done much of the same, enjoying both of the faes in heat before he was satisfied enough to settle down and let them relax. Aliana was sore, bruised, bitten, bloodied, aching all over her outside and insides, and just overall a mess. She didn't need to be a master healer to know the damage had been done to her, and after over 48 hours of being Chimera's sex prisoner with no access to contraceptives, the chances that even the most potent plants would help her were minuscule at best. She would have Chimera's pups, of this she had no doubt, and it terrified her and made her feel sick.

But despite the pain and her virtual inability to walk anymore, Ali had a job to do. Dalila had sought out Chimera to help quell the urges of her heat as well, though it was out of desperation and helplessness. Ali knew all too well of Chimera and Dalila's disdain for one another, and if she could help the other woman out by giving her the contraceptives to prevent a pregnancy with a wolf she despised, she could consider herself successful. The world didn't need another Chimera litter, not when the brute had shown he cared not for children he sired with anyone besides Siren. He was not good father material, and she had to try and prevent him from destroying other innocent lives.

During their orgy with Chimera, Ali had whispered a warning for Dalila to come find her afterwards so she could get her the birth control she'd stashed away. Time was of the essence, and there could be no moments of delay. The evening sun was setting over the horizon when she and Dalila made their escape, and as she limped down the halls to her wing of the estate, she couldn't help but glimpse out the broken windows to the sea of fireflies that had appeared across the gardens, swirling and dancing in the air. She turned away and continued on; she couldn't afford to be distracted. Ali hurried to her little alchemy workshop, pulling open containers of herbs in a desperate search until she found the last of the dried silphium, breathing a sigh of relief as she snatched it up and hurried outside to the gardens.

Ali's stomach churned and flip-flopped as she walked, realizing she was giving up her last possible chance of avoiding the outcome she feared the most in favor of Dalila. But the more she thought about it, the more she knew her mind had been made up. Aliana had been born to suffer, to serve, and to be broken. That was her entire purpose in life, and if this was what Chimera desired, then she had no choice in the matter. She would serve her King as dutifully as she could. It was her purpose. Aliana slipped out into the evening air, noting that it had become noticeably cooler than recent nights, and the fireflies around her seemed to multiply. A large full moon hung in the sky overhead, covering the world in a silvery-blue veil. She had asked Dalila to find her in the gardens after she'd gotten cleaned up. Ali's tail swished anxiously and beat against the ground while she waited, looking around side to side to spot the mottled fae, praying that it wasn't too late.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.