
Azhana litter — Fatalis Koi


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
10-02-2021, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2021, 07:37 AM by Hanako. Edited 9 times in total.)
[Image: LZsDbeI.png]


It's about damn time we got this show on the road! The rules are pretty basic but as always if you have anything you need to ask either message me or Koala. We don't know how many free pups there are yet, but I will edit it in once the number is rolled. We'll roll to see who needs to pay for the pup passes to keep it fair,  but if you really need help with gems when it comes to markings or other stuff let me and Koala know and I might be able to help you out, help with sprees yadda yadda. There are two pups available but depending on how we feel about the applications we may not choose to go full capacity.

ACTIVITY— We don't really want to deal with the hassle of readopting out pups if their players drop off the face of the earth, so we'd much rather adopt out to folks we know will stick with it for the long run. Real life happens and sometimes activity gets spotty, and that's fine as long as you let us know! It's only when players poof and go radio silent that I get a bit miffed. Overall, as long as you're making an effort to post we'll be happy with it. Once you've reached 100 posts with that pup it will belong to you and we will not reclaim it. If you leave the site or vanish without letting us know what's going on, we reserve the right to give an IC reason for your pup being gone. If you're incredibly inactive with said pup before you've reached a decent amount of posts, we'll warn you and then consider reclaiming.

LOOKS —   With Hanako being a fluke half koi, her splodges will be rather diluted and easily overshadowed by the stubborn markings of their Fatalis namesake. By now you know what the Fatalis family looks like but as a quick summary: grey/silver, blue, purple, red, teal, green, tan, brown and black are common. There is a bit of wiggle room in great-grandparent lineage, so if another color strikes your fancy let us know, and we’ll let you know if it’s acceptable. As for Hanako's side, her unknown sire sported a very handsome coat of oranges, yellows and golds. So make of that what you will. :D Eye colors vary, though a lot of blues are common in current Fatalis’ wolves. In terms of height and build this litter is going to be a mixed lot of really big and really small. Maybe it's the purples moon's curse, or just basic biology. Who knows? Choose whatever you like, big or small and anything in between works. Though just as a heads-up, Azure will likely look down on the smaller pups as runts and favour the larger, stronger individuals in the litter, as he would look higher upon mutated pups and lower upon disabled / sickly ones. Any pup that is overly sick is at risk of being culled if they can’t thrive, unless mum can convince Az otherwise. Mutations whilst common in the Fatalis family aren't required to apply and not having one won't affect your chances at all. If you do fancy getting one Azure has plenty to choose from, so do his parents and siblings. Go wild.

(For the visuals:  Grandmother & Grandfather)

PERSONALITY — It can be said neither Hanako nor Azure are entirely nice people, so the same will likely ring true to their children as well. At least a bit of meanness and snark is to be expected but psychopathic or bloodthirsty hellions will not be tolerated, either by Azure or their grandparents in turn. If a pup turns out rabid-dog insane and can not control themselves, there is a very real chance Azure may cull it to protect his family name, so please keep that in mind when making your plans. Overall I'm rather flexible when it comes to personalities and alignments, as long as there is a grounded reason for them to act that way. No one is pooted out of the womb hating their parents or family, let it happen naturally if it does and don't force it just cause you feel like it. All that being said, the pups will be raised by a loving extended family. There is room and potential for both good and bad, we'll leave it up to you!

MISCELLANEOUS —  Here's where the stuff that ain't long enough to warrant its own paragraph goes.

Naming theme: Sea monsters, supernatural, ocean themed! Maybe fire if they're very orange!

Sexuality and taboo stuff: In terms of sexuality I always encourage everyone to be flexible and write what they feel suits their muse the best. IC Hanako wouldn't really care and neither would Azure, as long as it was not something that tarnished the family name. That being said incest and non-consensual relations are a no-go. Perpetrators will be stripped of their name and yeeted out. No ifs, ands or buta

Border allowances:From an early age the pups will be encouraged to be independent and train to better themselves. That being said, whilst young it's safe to assume they ought to be escorted by a pack mate, family member or a companion. We do encourage skill point grinding even outside the pack, so it is acceptable to PP a parent nearby or one of their companions supervising as long as you’re not straying all the way across Boreas. Long-distance trips without permission will result in a scolding and/or grounding! mum will be very disappointed and guilt trip them to hell XD

Inheritances: 25% off height up to 42”, 25% off odd-color blue/green (Az), 25% off Albinism (Hana), 25% off orange/red/pink. Inheritance mutation uses = bear paws, saber fangs, bone spurs. And as an added bonus the bone spurs don’t have to be in the same location as Azure’s.


Or if you'd prefer to design your own, have at it! Just keep in mind what I went on about in the looks department.

And as always, the designs me and RK provide are to be used for this litter ONLY. Please don't be a douchenozzle and try and use them elsewhere.

EDIT:I forgot to add in the post, sorry!  I'm planning on playing the runt of the litter (this lil shit) so could ya edit to your characters anything between small and dire! I'll also be adding their siblings profiles when they're made!

<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Adult Height</b>: (25% discount on height up to 42”)
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b> Mutations</b>: (Optional)
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b> Alignment</b>:
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)