
From Time to Time


08-09-2013, 10:34 AM

He liked to think that hormones had not played a part in this agreement, but some part of him knew that it had. Granted, he wasn't planning on trying anything with Loccian, but it would be nice to be in the company of a female for even just companionship's sake. That was what he really needed anyway, a friend - someone to confide in. Loccian seemed the perfect fit, and since she also needed a friend it would be mutually beneficial for the two of them. A smile crossed his lips as she spoke about wanting a den that was a bit "off the radar". It made sense, and didn't insult him at all. Gerhardt had been thinking the same thing, but wasn't certain if he should voice it aloud or not. Odds are they would be found out at some point - depending upon how long their agreement lasted - but they could at least do their part to keep it a secret. Rumors had a way of spreading like wildfires, and he knew that was the last thing they needed to deal with in their emotional states of being.

She went on, describing a general area in the southern forest. It seemed as good a place as any to start looking - and she was right, most of the wolves didn't venture that far south. That sounds perfect. His reply came, and then there was a nod before he ceased his stretching and began to pace toward the southern forest. He could see it from here, and so they wouldn't have too far to go. It would be nice to den close to the main water source of the Kingdom. She mentioned wanting something in the cover of the trees, that would be beneficial to them for more than one reason. For one, it would keep the rain, snow, sleet, and hail from entering their den, not to mention it would ensure that they could slip in and out without being detected by the other subjects of the Kingdom. He tried to recall any dens he had seen in the southern forest, but admittedly he hadn't gone there very much - and when he had he certainly hadn't been real estate shopping. It was no matter, with two pairs of eyes he figured it wouldn't take long to find somewhere suitable enough. They may have to dig out an already existing den to make it large enough, but they would do whatever they needed to to make it work.

The trees began to rise up in front of them, casting great long shadows across the ground as the sun moved from its position overhead to a slight angle. He felt a welcome relief as they entered the shade of the forest, leaving the beating sun behind them. Summer was making itself known for certain. Amethyst gaze scanned the terrain, seeking out the perfect shelter for he and his... companion. We'll need something of a decent size.. and in a thick enough part of the forest to conceal our whereabouts. A fox den would be nice, and then we could dig it out to make it large enough for the both of us. Then it occurred to him that she would have herbs in need of storing, perhaps they could dig out a second chamber if she wished to keep them in their shared den. Eyes cast to her stormy figure, wondering if she was warming up to this idea like he was.
