
The Once and Present Kings


08-09-2013, 10:52 AM

like no king was before

He hadn't allowed himself much time to dwell on the events that had led to his coronation, but now that he'd spoken them he found his mind wandering to what it must have been like for his father to take his mother's life. Maverick had loved Adette once, perhaps he still did. They had had their differences, but what mother and son didn't? It occurred to him that he had not properly apologized for his childish antics, for how he'd tested and tried her patience. Perhaps it was he that had led her to the split with Gerhardt, perhaps it was he that had lit the fire of insanity in her fragile mind. Perhaps it was he who ought to have gone to her after the divorce and had his final say. She had been vulnerable then, and he had left her to her own devices. He had chosen Gerhardt over her - he always had.

Thoughts swam in his head, each making him realize what a failure he'd been. But what could he really have done? How much benefit could he have offered Adette? His father had said she'd gone mad, who's to say she wouldn't have challenged her own son if he would have went to her? Who's to say she wouldn't have ruined his life just as the pieces were finally falling together? The uncertainty of it all was the dangerous part, and the King was confident he had done the right thing. Adette had fallen by the wayside, and he had chosen his father for the sake of himself - for the sake of his now growing family.

Gargoyle's voice brought him back to reality. He was praising the young king's strength. Oh the irony. It had not been strength that brought Maverick to where he was today, it had been his choices - however wrong or right they may be. "I try to dwell on the positives."
He gave a sigh, a twinkle returning to his eyes. "Speaking of positives," his tail tapped the earth lightly. "I am to be a father." The bubble of joy and pride that ebbed in his lyrics was hard to miss, and the case was the same with the glow in his lime eyes. Fatherhood was something he was ready for, something he was eager to experience. He wondered how many litters the mountain had sired, how many little mountains were running around in his likeness - or his mate's.

{Table coded by Lu}