
the one and only


08-09-2013, 11:12 AM

like no king was before

The gentle sting of her teeth on his flesh did wonders to tease the man. Did she know what an effect she had on him? Did she know that merely a glance could send him into a frenzy? Surely she didn't, for if she did she would do it more often. The thought of her leaving did unsettle him - especially in her state, but it was now or not for some time. Children would not benefit from an absentee mother, even if it was for good reason. Yes, her sister needed to be notified, as well as the rest of her family in Valhalla. She had given it all up for him, for their love - it would be the least he could to to allow her to return when she wished it.

"As I will miss you," She would be thoroughly missed, so much so that the King would anxiously await her arrival. She still had a while before she would give birth, but if something did happen he trusted Valhalla to take care of her. As she lapped at his face he allowed his own tongue to snake out, catching hers periodically. Ah, this was the life. "A few days would be nice, just promise you won't have our children without me." He knew that often males were not present when their wives gave birth, but Maverick intended to at least be in the general area, this was his first time being a father after all.
He shivered as she shifted, feeling her warmth touch a different part of his body. Her hot breath gave her intentions away, but he allowed her to bite where she pleased, fangs grazing the side of his neck - awfully close to his throat. He felt his mind urging him to move, to evade her bite, but his will overrode those thoughts. It seemed she had discovered what a hold she had over him, and intended to use it to her advantage. What a vixen.

{Table coded by Lu}