
is this the real life?




10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
10-02-2021, 08:13 AM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2021, 08:13 AM by AlfrĂșn. Edited 1 time in total.)
Alfrun had noted of late that her vision of the Other, the nebulous other world that overlayed her vision of the world around her, had been spreading to encompass the entirety of her vision. Before, she could close her one blue-struck eye and close her mind to visions of that other workd if she had wanted to (she chose never to, because she mught miss something important or offend the gods who had given her that ability) but now oddities remained in her Sight no matter what she did. It was curious, and it seemed to her an omen.

The fact that the moon had not changed its face had been one such omen, another the strange blurring streaks of stars in the night sky, omens that pulled her from her bed most nights since the changes had begun. The great raven glided in black silhouette across the moon's face now as she trotted intently on the heals of a strangely glowing rabbit. She nearly passed Jupiter by, but her head swiveled to him unerringly at nearly the last moment. "Ah, Husband," she croaked, "Good, good, I have need of your assistance. Come now, come, we haven't much time before it gets away."

That strange rabbit was a sign, a portent, and it would surely be a powerful, powerful magic. Just the thing for her uses, for it would be powerful magic she would need. She was running out of time to bear her husband children to continue their line, but she thought that this time she had the solution, a magic powerful enough to both solve her husband's.... performance problems... and to ensure she became pregnant despite her advanced age. And that rabbit was it. Less absentminded seeming, more focused and sharp than Jupiter had perhaps seen her before, she tugged impatiently at his paw as Tanken cawed harshly from where he hovered, a dark shape in a weird full moon.