
bend but don't break


08-09-2013, 12:28 PM

like no king was before

{table switch cause yes.}

What could have possessed her to feel the need to push into him was still a mystery, but he was glad for it because in his mind it gave him an incredible advantage. She had used strength where she should have relied on speed, and he had the upper paw when it came to strength in this matchup. Still, they were both new and there was plenty of room for error, this fight was far from having a clear victor. As his weight shifted toward her in a swift and deliberate motion, he retained his narrowed eyes and pinned ears stature - for fear that moving toward her would bring these vital parts too close to her for comfort. If she were to snap back at him, his eyes or ears could very well be in range and become targets. His tail continued to flutter at his right, seeing as he was moving forward and to his left. Balance was key, or he could very well end up in a heap on the earth with her. As she fell he felt the triumph in the thud that resounded. His heart was beating fast in his chest, reminding him of the adrenaline that surged through his veins - blocking out the pain from his wounds.

Jaws fell shut on their mark - the side of Ashtoreth's face. He wondered if he was taking this too far, but his adrenaline-soaked mind wouldn't let him linger on that thought for very long. He removed his bite almost as soon as it landed, he had only intended for it to be a glancing blow - to let her know what a predicament she was in now that he'd knocked her off of her paws. He almost wanted her to fear, wanted her to worry about her current situation. Some sick part of his mind wanted her to ask him to stop, to beg him to end what was supposed to be a friendly spar. He wasn't used to this side of himself, but he surely wasn't complaining about it.

She did all that she could, tossing both front paws upward to scrape at him - one at his shoulder and the other at his chest. The one at his chest did more damage thanks to their angling, but given the thickness of his fur and skin it only managed to pull away a few tufts of hair and leave a mild bruise in it's wake. The other paw at his shoulder caught in a crease, allowing two of her nails to find purchase and tear a two inch laceration. Blood bubbled to the now opened surface of his skin, dripping down to stain the earth below. He let out a growl, fangs falling agape to amplify the sound and prepare for anything else she might have planned. His head twisted to the side and down, tucking protectively over his throat while simultaneously reaching to close his jaws shut on her left paw - hopefully before she reeled it back toward her being. As he did this, he picked up his left front leg and would attempt to raise it up and over her bodice, in order to keep her pinned where she was. Allowing her to get back up would only prolong what he hoped would be his victory.

Round 3 of 3

Attacks - Jaws aiming to grab hold of her left front paw, left front leg seeking to move over her to keep her pinned.

Defenses - Ears tucked, eyes narrowed, jaws open, tail flagged.

Injuries - Scratch marks on the front of his left shoulder, four half-inch puncture wounds (bleeding) on his left foreleg, mild, now moderate bruising on his chest where her paws pushed against him, two two-inch long lacerations where his shoulder meets his chest, mild hair loss on chest.

{Table coded by Lu}