
They Glow Like We Do




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-02-2021, 12:07 PM

Avacyn had just drifted to sleep when she felt her brother nudging her insistently, making her groan and grumble irritably, just opening her ebony eyes enough to glare at him in the darkness, the familiar glow from the mirrored marking around his eye the only real source of light in their home. She didn't know what could possibly be cool enough outside to warrant waking her up, but she was pretty much always willing to at least humor her brother when he wanted to go exploring or investigate something. She sighed and unfurled from the ball she had curled into, giving herself a quick shake. He was already up and running through, hopping out of their bed and running out into the cool blue light of the night.

She climbed down as well, but was a bit slower to rush out into the cold than her headstrong brother was. She was also equally as careful to sneak past Irilyth to make sure they didn't wake their babysitter and then she stepped out into the strangely bright moonlight. She couldn't remember ever seeing the moon look so big and bright and if she squinted past the light of it to see the stars it almost looked like streaks and bands of light instead of pin points of light like she was used to. She tilted her head at the strange occurrence, but her attention was pulled away by her brother as he beckoned her over to look at the ruins. What she noticed first though wasn't the swarms of fireflies - it was what was going on with their matching markings.

"Sara! Your eye marking!" She said as she bounded over to him, examining it curiously. "It's glowing so much brighter now! Is mine doing that too?" She couldn't see her own marking of course, just like he couldn't see his, but their markings always usually got dimmer in the light - not the other way around. She finally glanced toward the ruins that were adjacent to their den and blinked with surprise when she really looked at just how many fireflies were floating and dancing around them. The stones themselves even seemed to have a bit of a glimmer and sheen to them in the strangely bright moonlight. Her dark eyes followed the insects curiously, not taking her eyes off of them but leaning closer to Sara as she asked, "Do you feel like we're supposed to go over there to them?" wondering if he felt the same draw she did.

"Avacyn Mendacium"