
is this the real life?




10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
10-02-2021, 02:04 PM
With a distinct and distressing lack of enthusiasm, Alfrun's husband grouched up to catch the rabbit. Alfrun stood stock still, watching silently and patiently, her head cocked very slightly in a gesture as birdlike as her slender form itself. She watched as Jupiter leaped onto the rabbit, then lost his grip and sent it fleeing towards her. Alfrun made no move to engage the rabbit, merely stood there, watching, the moonlight glinting weirdly in her eyes... and out of that moon dropped a dark silhouette to hit the rabbit like a rock from a sling. The rabbit's scream tore through the quiet night as it struggled beneath the hopping raven pinning it down and stabbing for its eyes in eager little thrusts of his beak. "Thank you Tanken, dear," Alfrun murmured, stepping forward now in her usual ethereal way to gently lay a kiss on the raven's beak, and crouch beside the rabbit. She beckoned Jupiter over absently. Without watching to see if he allowed himself to be drawn back, she leaned close - and opened the rabbit's abdomen to allow the entrails to flood steaming into the cool autumn air. Swiftly she sought to read the meaning within their twisting, looping patterns, but she frowned worriedly. The weird glow made it... odd. Difficult to read, even with her long experience. It worried her that she could not - quite - understand what it meant. And that in and of itself meant... danger.

Sucking in a shaky breath she whirled to Jupiter, and thrust the fresh heart of the rabbit towards him, using one glowing-blood drenched paw to flick said glowing blood across his face. Dipping in, drawing her paw in a bright streak across her own face. "Quickly, we must share the meat of the sacrifice. Do not hesitate or all will have been for naught. I can only hope it will be strong enough for what must be." She bent to suit deed to word, snapping up the liver in a single bite and beginning on the rest of what was now a stiffening bunny corpse. Tanken quorked, but obediently took flight away from the rabbit in a flurry of wings, leaving it to them.