
you made me want to be a saint.



08-09-2013, 01:17 PM

like one, two, three, I'll be there

It hadn't taken long for the little Collision-spawned child to learn that a howl was an exciting thing. Quite often howls were strangers coming to Valhalla, or Valhallans going out on a hunt, or - on occasion - signals that danger was present. Any of those scenarios were enthralling to the child, and so anytime she heard a howl go up, Solaine did her best to arrive as quickly as she could. Most of the time she was not included in any of the fun, but no one could stop her from watching. And so she crept onto the scene of three wolves gathering, one of which she did not know. Erani was there, snuggling up to the stranger and acting like she was a long lost daughter. Chrysanthe came next, and she seemed equally excited to see the stranger. Solaine was intrigued. Her tail flagged up behind her in unsubstantiated pride as she strutted up beside Chrysanthe, affectionately called 'Chrys' or 'Chrysi' and uttered - quite boldly - the first thing that came to mind. "Why's yer belly all big like that?" Her head cocked to the side curiously as she eyed the mostly white woman with a red stain on her ear. Odd, it looked similar to Chrysanthe, only she had more red and it was on most of her face.

Then she recalled hearing the stranger call Chrysanthe 'sis'. But how could that be? Solaine would know her if she was family, and yet this woman was very much unknown to her. "Why is she callin' you sis Chrysi?" Bi-colored eyes met the azure ones of the stranger, perplexed and rather enthralled with her unknown identity. If she called Chrysanthe sis and Solaine was also a sister of Chrysanthe, then.. this woman must be her sister. She thought back to what she'd heard of the conversation, but all she remembered Chrysanthe calling the woman was 'Pip', was that her name?

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