
The Great Snow War of Year 16

Avacyn ♡



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-02-2021, 06:06 PM

Avacyn grinned wide with triumph as her wave of snow and slush went right over top of her brother, obscuring large patches of dark fur with pale snow. The sight made her giggle, her tail wagging like crazy at getting back at her brother for the snow ball he had thrown at her. Sara was always the trickster of the two of them and more often than not he was able to pull stuff like this on her, but she wasn't always able to get her revenge. Today she did! But as soon as he shook off the majority of the snow and she saw the challenging glare he gave her she knew this wasn't going to be a quick one for one - this was going to be a full out snow fight! She gave him a similar look in return and quickly skittered backyards to avoid the worst of the snow he sent back in her direction, slipping and sliding a bit on the ice before she was able to find her footing and go diving behind a rock opposite the one he was trying to hide behind and then they were off to the snowball races.

She kept glancing over the top of the rock she was hiding behind, trying to find an opening while she scooped and patted snow into a ball shape between her oversized paws. She supposed she had found one good use for the large paws that she often ended up tripping over - they were great for packing snow balls! When she saw the black and red of her brother's head peek out from over top the rock he was using for cover she quickly ducked back down again, watching the snowball he launched at her go soaring over her head over top of her own makeshift bunker of sorts. She giggled and popped back up, flinging her own snow ball toward her brother as well. She hadn't really liked the snow or cold or anything that came with it, but she had to admit this was pretty fun!

WC: 347
Total: 1551/1500

"Avacyn Mendacium"