
Big God

for Theory



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
10-02-2021, 06:16 PM
It was strange talking to someone else about her God at all, let alone a non-Abraxas. She worried Theory wouldn't begin to understand what she was trying to explain, but at the very least she seemed receptive to learning, even if not belief. True belief seemed something else entirely. Something that couldn't just be taught, but something an individual had to find their own. She wished suddenly she'd learned more about how her father and mother had met. She knew the most basic elements of their story; she'd been on the brink of death and Typhon had saved her. She knew in the face of desperation that faith was more easily found - she'd latched on to her face more tightly after her parents had left, after the volcano had erupted and taken Malleus with it. But could the same kind of faith be found in the most ordinary of circumstances? Somehow what she had with Theory felt anything but normal though. She supposed that was exactly what love was meant to feel like. It was something otherworldly, ethereal and powerful, and fragile like something that might shatter with the smallest misstep.

She loved her. Thalia had known it for awhile, but words never came easily to her and she doubted time would change that any. "I love you, Theory Destruction," she breathed quietly as she lay against her. Slowly she twisted around to bury her nose in the fur of her chest, feeling the exact same way - everything in life had led them both to this particular moment, and for good reason. Theory's quiet prayer sent a quiet ripple of delight through her. "I thank Him every day for bringing us together. I've never felt His presence as much as I do when I'm with you," Thalia admitted softly. She'd never spoken her feelings so openly and honestly, and she felt more vulnerable than she'd ever had before. "This is where we're meant to be. I'm sure of it." She'd come to Abaven with a purpose, but she'd found much more than she bargained for, certainly more than Eligos ever anticipated. Their union would make both of their families stronger, Thalia was sure of it. Soon she'd return to Eligos to tell him what she'd learned - not only did she feel she'd learned of Abaven's weaknesses, but likewise she felt she'd uncovered her own, and together they could only be a stronger force united.