
Azhana litter — Fatalis Koi



4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 21K
10-02-2021, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2021, 07:11 PM by Poe. Edited 4 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Virgil
Character's Name: Stratus Derecho Fatalis
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 41"
Size: Extra Large
Build: Medium
Appearance Description:
There is something to be said for the genes of the Fatalis clan, for they certainly shine through in Stratus. Chiseled physique, powerful muscles, and those legs. It takes a little while for him to grow into his adult height of 41", but from the moment of his birth it is obvious that he was never intended to be especially dainty. His fur is incredibly luxurious, falling in silky tresses all over his body and drawing the eye unconsciously with each movement. He is a muscular creature, but moves with the kind of lackadaisical swagger that completely disguises the physical prowess that he's developed from an early age. It is only when he squares his shoulders and looks you in the face that you might realize the danger presented by challenging him. Then, the rippling muscles that cover his body become more apparent under his plush fur, wrapped around a sturdy frame that suddenly isn't as lanky and frail as you had initially assumed. Stratus is all long legs and smooth curves, very easy on the eyes. Everything about him lends to the development of a false sense of security- this pretty boy couldn't possibly hurt a fly, right?

Draped in an elegant pelage, the boy resembles a looming thunderhead and at first glance he might seem plain. As the light glides over his body, a tapestry of slate blues seems to move like a stormy sea over his body. Saturated to a few shades shy of pure obsidian over his legs and shoulders, in only the right conditions can one truly notice the dark striping along his belly or the shadowy mask over his face. The eye is drawn more often to his more striking features- gilded striping that breaks up the cool tones of his base colouration. Feathered golden striping climbs from his toes to his ankles in concentric crescents like the rungs of a ladder on his forepaws. On his hind toes, the soft fur along the edges of his pads are all that have been painted in the brilliant honeyed shade. Tiny clusters of dappled blond show up throughout his ruff, easy to miss and usually overlooked, the eye typically drawn to the heavy handed application over his haunches. More feathered slashes of gold are concentrated at the base of his spine and the upper portions of his haunches. Rising like embers from a campfire, a scattered trail of delicate gold climbs from knee to hip along his right hind limb and breaks away from the relative symmetry of the rest of his markings. Both knees bear a trio of aurelian stripes that curve upwards toward the joining of thigh and flank. Stratus wears the markings of his lineage in gilded hues over his left eye, a quartet of markings that mirror the slashes of deadly claws extending out from the socket. More subtly, beneath each eye are a small cluster of golden freckles highlighting the curve of his cheekbones.

Only one of those bright eyes deigned to shift away from that pale puppy blue hue, and his right eye darkened into a stunning jade hue. The stunning gems of mismatched oceanic hues are rimmed with thick black lashes, and prone to drawing unwitting victims into his hypnotic gaze. Stratus grows up to have a deep, smooth voice that he uses to sway hearts with honeyed words and sweet nothings. His demeanour is that of a wisened nomad, prone to wandering and strange knowledge. Always moving, always searching for something new. As he grows, he will begin to carry a scent of the ocean, paired with a hint of cinnamon.

Mutations: basic childe, no mutations! (But would love some spurs maybe? Or extra long fur, just for the AestheticTM? Maybe halloween will give himb some gifts)
STUBBORN: If there's one thing that should be avoided with Stratus, it's an argument. One would be better off tunneling through a mountain with only their forehead. The Fatalis brute will dig his heels in simply for the sake of it, and is quick to abandon reason simply to uphold whatever nonsense he's decided to express that day. He will not cowtow to anyone, and cannot be prodded in any direction that he doesn't want to move. Whether it's taking up a certain role in the pack, or getting up early for a patrol he hadn't been previously scheduled for, Stratus will probably argue about it. This makes him truly horrible as a diplomat, and for that reason he tends to be passed up for any important meetings. On the other hand, his unwillingness to bend to the whims of others makes him well suited to emissary work, where he will simply observe without risk of having his viewpoints swayed by other parties.
CHARMING: Stratus has a silver tongue that could draw tears from stone if he put his mind to it. From an early age, his way with words is evident. There's a certain degree of manipulation to it, and he is proficient in code-switching to suit his needs. It allows him to fit in with most crowds, mingling with nobility and slaves alike with a simple shift of his posture and speech patterns. He develops an easygoing smile, which only serves to compound the soft edges of his features and make him seem nearly cherubic when he smiles. All of this is based around his own selfishness, charm and wit are tools used to secure his own desires. Perhaps he will talk his way into a lovers arms, or convince one of his relatives to take pity on him after getting in trouble with his parents, it all depends on how bored or annoyed he is that day.
LOYAL: At the end of the day, Stratus loves his family. They might scuffle and argue, but he would never dream of leaving them. His littermates are his closest friends, and his extended family will be a safety net whenever he needs help. He would go to the ends of the earth to ensure everyone is happy and safe, even at the cost of his own happiness or health. Stratus understands the importance of his family name, and strives to do his best not to sully it with his actions. Every mistake hangs heavy on his shoulders, though he would never admit his guilt over any transgressions. Any friends that he makes will be hard pressed to get rid of him, and he treats them the same as he would his family. To that end, those closest to Stratus might find they have the easiest time manipulating him. Since he wants only to please them, friends and family can readily persuade him to do anything they ask- regardless of the morality of that action.
CARING: He doesn't show it all that often, but Stratus is a teddy bear at his core. From day one, he will strive to make sure those around him are doing well. He expresses his affections in the form of small gestures like gifts and spending time together, though his tenderness is often hidden by an air of bravado and some light ribbing. Like many of the members of the Fatalis clan, he has a propensity for adopting the mistreated and overlooked. There is a great deal of softness tucked away at his core, only expressed under certain circumstances, and typically far from the public eye. After all, he has a reputation to uphold, and if he were to be pegged as a soft-hearted idiot, he might never live it down.
PROUD: He wears it readily upon his face and in each swing of his long legs when he walks. Stratus knows exactly the weight his family name carries, and isn't afraid to make sure everyone else is aware of who he is. At his worst, he looks down his nose at those he decides are unworthy of his time and energy, perhaps even curling his lip in a sneer when they look his way. A terrible habit borne of his regimented upbringing, where his father was quick to ensure that all of the siblings were aware of the weight carried by their name, and the ramifications of their mistakes. As he ages, some of that haughtiness might fade into the background, only rearing its ugly head when insults start to fly. However, the smooth grace and cunning glimmer of his eyes will never fade.
ADVENTUROUS: Here is where he gets into the most trouble. Stratus loves to explore, to see new things. From the minute he can get his legs under him, he wants to use them. Before he could open those pretty blue eyes, he tried to escape the confines of the whelping den whenever there was a lapse in attention. As soon as there's even the tiniest bit of slack in his metaphorical leash, Stratus takes advantage. Constantly poking his nose where it doesn't belong and getting into new and unusual situations. He wants to see everything, to collect as many memories as he can fit into his thick skull. Whether he has to sneak away when his parents aren't looking, and evade the keen eyes of his babysitters as a child, or find himself abandoning a patrol when he notices something odd in the distance in adulthood- Stratus will find himself constantly on the move. He loves to drag someone along for his adventures, and share the beauty of the world with others, but he is also just fine wandering about on his own. He had a nomadic heart, and will likely wilt into a shadow of his usual self if forced to spend too much time in one place.

Alignment: True Neutral
Skills: Fighting & Navigation
Intended plots: I can see him taking after his mother, with wanderlust showing up early and potentially getting him in trouble when someone realizes he's disappeared from their eyeline when their back was turned. Maybe they find him talking to strangers, maybe he's 15km away with his head in an old badger den. This will probably happen one too many times, and he might be A) Forced to focus more on his warrior training until he learns his lesson, or B) End up sticking close to mama because she'll feed into his adventurous nature more than dad. Either option will create a very different child, and I'd be leaving the decision up to y'all just for the heck of it.