
Azhana litter — Fatalis Koi



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-02-2021, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2021, 06:23 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 21 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dragon
Character's Name: Kirin Fatalis (Japanese/Korean mythology)
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 42-45"
Size: XL-Dire
Build: light-medium
Appearance Description: Standing at 42" - 45" (haven't decided yet), Kirin's coat is akin to the colors of Autumn. Her base coat sports varying shades of brown, the most prominent being a darker shade similar to mud. She has lighter brown along her underside from muzzle to stomach, and lightly blended into her sides and legs. Her tail, however, sports a richer, clay-like brown more noticeable at the fringes and sprinkled into the rest of it. Varying shades of orange markings are spread across her head, neck, and back. Darker tones on the tips of her ears, neck, and shoulders, and gradually lightens across her back and sides. The autumn colors are lightest on her paws and darkest - like auburn - on her tail. The markings on her face outline her dual-toned glacial blue eyes before swiping downward towards her muzzle underneath, and upward in the opposite way above her eyes. Orange markings are mottled throughout her pelt in the faintest hints, defining her part Koi heritage as well as Fatalis. From her father's line, she inherited more than just height. She has also inherited bear-like paws complete with grizzly sharp claws, as well as elongated fangs. What sets her apart from others, however, are the two bone spurs that have grown on the bridge of her muzzle in a similar manner to a rhinoceros.

Kirin is a woman who holds herself strong and proud, always standing ready and waiting for battle. While she may appear imposing and beastly, she may at times, hold herself with feminine air. Think Amazonian warrior mixed with a lady-like princess. Poised, graceful, and may even do all the pleasantries yet she is always ready and prepared to fight if the need arises. She isn't bulky and beefy like her father and grandfather. But rather, shares her mother's physique in terms of lightness and figure. She can be a dancer on her toes, and a nightmare in battle. Truly an equal combination of mother and father.
Mutations:  Bear paws/claws, elongated fangs, & bone spurs on the bridge of her muzzle like a rhino...maaayybbeee major mutation if I can figure out WHAT 8(

Alignment: Lawful Evil(?)
Skills: fighting x hunting
Intended plots: Honestly it's hard for me to come up with plots out of the blue/pre-plot things. I'm more go with the flow type thing and kinda let IC stuff guide the chars XD I'm definitely always open for plot ideas though <3