
Azhana litter — Fatalis Koi


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
10-02-2021, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 12:00 AM by Grimshaw. Edited 16 times in total.)
fuck I changed my mind

Kelpie Fatalis
male - dire (45") - heavy - fighting/hunting - chaotic good?? probably idk
by skelle

Appearance Description:
-- Mutations bear paws and sabers. Will add Indy's mane if funds allow (get paid on the 30th)
There isn't a single doubt that Kelpie is a Fatalis boy, as there are a vast array of markings and mutations that set him and other Fatalis apart. Like his father, his forelimbs are sturdier and thicker, with massive paws nothing like a wolf's natural paws. Long, curved fangs will grow to a length far beyond his chin, yet still manage to pierce anything that dare get in their way. From his other uncle, Mortis, a sooty dark grey covers the forefront of his body, accented with a mask like his fathers, only dark and much less winged features. Curved stripes nestle themselves across his cheeks, bending near the mask but just far enough away to not touch. Like so many Fatalis before him, a scratch-like marking colored in a beautiful seafoam over his left slightly-more-blue eye finally brands him as who he is and who he will become.

His name comes from his striking resemblance to the sea creature obviously called a Kelpie. While known for being the darkest of blacks, Kelpie is just a bit shy of that and like his Fatalis family before him, an unnatural shade of green claims his rear and some features. Splotched and freckled like his mother, it is the only trademark he possesses of the koi lineage. Deep blue-green splotches are seen traveling up each forelimb as well as claiming the upper portion of his thick scruff. Black tips each ear, however at the very tip the seafoam strikes again and also claims a few singular hairs inside of each ear.

Quiet → Introvert
Kelpie isn’t the typical rambunctious child that talks your ear off day in and day out. He tends to keep to himself or spend his time with adults rather than other pups. He could be described as more mature for his age, rarely engaging in silly play and choosing to spend his time learning. As he ages into an adult he will hardly change, still preferring alone time over time spent with groups. His friend group will be limited to a handful of close friends and family and being the way that he is, it’s not the easiest to get to know him.

Curious → Calculative
Beginning life as a curious child, this will be the only time it will be damn near impossible to shut him up. Asking question after question, his desire to learn anything and everything is powerful and he will go to great lengths for knowledge, even pushing whatever boundaries his parents may have set for him. He will become quite the intelligent man, well versed at reading others due to his introvertism and from his never ending search for knowledge.

Stubborn → Even More Stubborn
If there is one thing constant about the boy from puphood to adulthood, it would be his stubborn attitude. If he doesn’t want to do it, he won’t, and he won’t stop to hear you out either. As he ages, he’ll even believe that he knows better than everyone (besides a few select others, of course), and no one can tell him otherwise. It’ll be like arguing with a brick wall.

Active → Athletic
While he won’t be a particularly playful pup, Kelpie will be quite fond of adventures (in his quest of knowledge). He will love to explore, climb on things, swim in rivers and oceans, fight enemies, all of it. While toning his mind, he will also inadvertently be toning his body and come to enjoy the structure of training and the thrill of the fight. Kelpie won’t stop at just the smarts, he wants the hot bod, too!

Difficult → Power Hungry
Kelpie will be difficult, to say the least. His attitude is large and he won’t hesitate to stomp a foot to try and get his way. He will definitely take a firm hand, but through training and learning to channel his aggressions into his fighting, he will learn how powerful he really is and unfortunately, he will try to use it. He certainly isn’t afraid to throw his weight around to get what he wants, but he’ll definitely try to talk it out of you first. While he does have (a few) limits, he will stop at almost nothing to get what he wants if it’s important to him.

Intended plots: be a general pain in the ass to everyone in the armada and where ever hes allowed to go trying to learn things. also just being a general pain in the ass. i'm always around and available for threads/plots!
Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex