
Azhana litter — Fatalis Koi


"I Will Make You Proud"


Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Double MasterSnake Eyes
Mammoth HunterCritical Fail!Pride - Lesbian1K
10-02-2021, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 04:42 PM by Avantika. Edited 16 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dikui
Character's Name: Morgawr
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 30"
Size: Medium
Build: Heavy
Appearance Description: Mor's colors mix fire, ice, and night. Her pelt is covered by a rich reddish-brown, which darkens as it travels to her neck, paws, and the tip of her tail. Flecks of ember-like red remain on her ruff and dash over the tips of her ears. Her face lightens only very slightly and then plunges into a black mask with sharp edges and with stripes and curls along the outside. Contrasting with this darkness are two sky blue eyes that imply shards of ice, a gift from her mother. The darker parts of her coloration continue along her back, stretching in between white stripes, similar to her father's but somewhat wider, that give the impression of walls holding the darkness back. The tip of her tail is this same white, and so are the small flashes dusting her toes.

She's a handsome girl, and strength is heavily emphasized in her physique. While she isn't particularly tall, she is hefty in a healthy way. When she doesn't get enough exercise, she'll be prone to becoming overweight, but most of the time, her weight makes her a powerfully muscular machine. Just by looks alone, she is not someone most would cross without thought.

Mutations: Maybe if Halloween gives me good things, otherwise I don't think so
Personality: controlled, egotistical, reserved, occasionally violent, jealous, loving, internally very sensitive, 2w1, INTJ

As a child, Morgawr will be quite a loner by nature, even more of a natural introvert than her mother. She'll love her family deeply, but she'll still often end up playing alone. It's just more fun that way. She'll have a habit of daydreaming and making up fantastic stories to put herself in, and she might grow very protective over these stories and only let others play in the more shallow and unimportant ones. All kids play make-believe, but some of Mor's stories and characters might follow her to adulthood, and she'll never entirely forget them.

She prefers her own company to that of others, and that tendency will grow into a slight egotistical streak, believing she is better and particularly smarter than others. She'll tend to make little jabs at the people around her often. She thinks she's very funny. You can decide whether you agree.

As she grows into an adult, Mor will realize that she secretly does want to be loved by people outside of her own mind, very much actually, and this will become one of her driving motivations. However, she won't have very good social skills because of all the time she'll spend alone as a kid. People are irritating and confusing, and yet she needs their affection. This may make her a very jealous and possessive friend or lover. She'll try her best to be nice and kind and do relationships the right way, but there's a limit to her temper, especially when she feels abandoned or neglected. Still, everyone is a mix of good and evil, and when healthy, Morgawr will be shy but loving and very protective over those she cares about, showing her love through actions and practical help. She'll naturally prefer to support the ones she loves over chasing spotlights herself.

Mor has a habit of suppressing her emotions and will be self-controlled to a fault. Especially as a young wolf, she won't know how to express her feelings properly and won't ask for help for fear of being a nuisance, and so will forcefully bottle them up until they explode, turning her violence outwards. At her worst, she will be destructive towards everyone around her, falling into the cycle of an abuser: angry and violent, then apologetic, then cold and aloof as usual, and then angry again.

All in all, she's a block of ice with a dangerously sensitive, fiery heart.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighting + Healing
Intended plots: Some depend on who else is chosen as her sibling. If she's able to pick up on her parents' insecurities, I think she'll be deeply motivated by wanting to help them, and particularly bond with Azure since she'll relate to him a lot as she gets older.
Avantika is prone to panic attacks. Keep in mind when roleplaying with her.
Her companions, a female sharp-shinned hawk named Kaata and a black-thighed falconet named Kit can be assumed to always be close by unless otherwise stated.