
Its Hard to Say Goodbye



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-02-2021, 10:17 PM

The moment that Bream cried out for Aslatiel's attention, she knew that something was wrong. The note of panic in the avian's call brought a surge of panic tightening in the woman's throat as though she was being throttled. Arcturus was with his father and Satira was with her own. That had given Asla time to herself today. It seemed that this was both a blessing and a curse. Had the children been with her, Bream wouldn't be coming to her in a panic right now. Wasting no time, the cream and grey fae threw down the hide that she had been processing and thundered out of the territory in pursuit of the bird.

Naiche wouldn't have taken Arcturus far, she told herself. Whatever the trouble was, she would be able to arrive quickly and right the situation. Everything would be fine, she kept telling herself. Everything would be fine. In the back of her mind, however, Asla had a feeling that this wasn't true. She was just lying to herself. As she ran, Aslatiel begged whatever gods may have existed to keep her child safe. Arc was her priority. If anything happened to her son... The woman shook her head roughly and put on a surge of speed. No. No she wouldn't think of it. She refused.

The snow affected her speed and more than once the striped fae stumbled, getting a face full of snow. With a snarl, she always got back to her paws and continued. The osprey was a good guide and his course seemed to take Asla on the path of least resistance. The snowy plains gave way to the willow filled wood and Asla's speed was hampered by the protruding roots and crisscrossing frozen streams.

Asla smelled the blood before she saw hide nor hair of Naiche and Arc. "No..." she gasped, willing her burning limbs to move faster still. The shrill, panicked voice of her son cut through the blood pumping in Asla's ears and she pushed through the trees and onto the horrible scene. Blood was everywhere, marring the otherwise perfect and pristine snow. The small wolf skidded to a stop beside her boy, pulling him to her and giving him a once over to make sure that he was whole and well.

When Aslatiel's eyes moved to Naiche, tears instantly welled up in their galactic depths. "Oh Golden Boy..." she whispered as she looked down upon the broken and battered body of her former lover and the father of her child. Reaching out, Asla brushed a bit of bloodied fur away from Naiche's golden gaze. The wound in his abdomen... there were things showing that should never see the light of day. Blood flowed steadily from the wound and the rasping sound as the man breathed made Asla believe that he'd suffered a lot of internal damage. Somehow she knew that there was no coming back from this. Maybe if her aunt was still alive, Naiche would have a chance, but she was not.

The scent of bear was thick in the air, so Asla didn't have to ask what happened. White fur was scattered in the puddled of blood and clung to the froth on Naiche's yellow cheeks. Again she stroked the dying mans cheek lovingly. Tears finally fell as she spoke. "You did good, Golden Boy. You kept our son safe." Knowing Naiche's code of honor and righteousness, she knew that the man couldn't ask for anything more. One foreleg remained locked around Arcturus, holding the boy against her chest, but the other continued to touch Naiche as though her very touch would keep him clinging to life.

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