
Its Hard to Say Goodbye



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-02-2021, 11:01 PM

The satisfaction in killing the bear, the relief in knowing his son was safe was sliced through with the boy’s fearful cries for Naiche’s safety.  Naiche had sworn that he’d be there for the boy while he grew up.  Naiche wasn’t a healer but the gold wolf knew what his injuries were without looking and some things you just don’t recover from.  It was better Arc live without a dad then die because his father wouldn’t exchange his life for his son’s.

With the adrenaline fading the pain was starting to kick in but the pain wouldn’t last forever but he was no weakling.  “Hey, Arc,” Naiche offered the boy a weak smile, taking in the boys scent.  His eyes looked at his son, wanting to soak in the image of the boy for what time he’d had.  “You did really good.  Look at you, you already bit a bear.  Reckless as your dad,” Naiche tried to find the words for the boy.  He wanted to tell Arcturus it would be alright but Naiche was sure it would be a lie.  Nor could he tell his son the pain he felt would go away soon.  

What else was there to say?  A lot but where to start?  Asla arrived on the scene and pulled Arc away.  Naiche quietly watched her check the boy out, seeing he was well.  Pan was making his way closer now, those clawed-hands curled inward as he moved close to the group.  Both his claws had the bears blood still on them.  Pan looked hopefully at Asla, wanting her to assure them there was a fix for this.

Naiche’s tail raised brushed the ground some as she spoke to him.  Naiche made a small nod of his head to Asla, and gave her what would have been a proud grin but it was diluted now with the ache of knowing the only outcome to all of this. “Sorry I didn’t let you in on the fun.”  Could he have fended the bear off longer and Asla and him taken it down together without this fate?  Maybe.  Uncertainty nagged on if he’d done the wrong thing but had he chanced playing it out longer it would have meant more time for the bear to potentially get to Arc.  No, no regrets there.

Naiche tried to push up more but it just wasn’t happening, resigning himself to where he was the golden wolf tenderly licked licked Asla’s paw at a point when she touched his cheek, sad eyes looking up at her.  The words of a true ‘I’m sorry’ was on his lips but he cut those out.  He was leaving them and he didn’t know how long he had.  

Naiche had seen Asla in pain of loss before and Naiche knew it all to well himself.  He’d rather be torn in pieces than cause Asla and Arc this pain.  “You should have seen Arc,” Naiche chose instead of pointless apologies, “we hunted a deer, he did all the real work and even assigned me my role in it.  Good hunter and ability to lead others.” He really was proud of his son.  “when I wanted him to run he did, after still taking a bite of the bear,” which was really horrible in how he’d risked himself but that was his son, still a pup, biting a damn polar bear.

“I love you,” the words first were directed at Asla since he’d been talking to her but then his gaze slid to Arc, “I love you Arc.  You are the best part of my life.”  There was too much Naiche still wanted to do with them.  Too many activities he imagined and the joy of wanting to see how his son grew up was being ripped away.  Not yet.  Not yet.  The proud wolf felt the water forming in his eyes, sliding down his muzzle.  Men don’t cry but maybe, just maybe this once could be an exception.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]