
Luminous World



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
10-02-2021, 11:11 PM

Lia explained the origins for her healing intrigue. She'd been a slave, one of the other slaves knew some medicine and thought it would be useful for her... Oh. Oh dear. Syanna's ears flattened to her head, keeping her gaze away from Lia so she wouldn't see the empathetic pain in her own eyes. Syanna was a rape victim and a rape survivor as well. It wasn't something she wanted to broadcast to the world though, so she simply answered Lia's followup. "It's very useful indeed. It's helped save my ass a number of times. I managed to save my boyfriend's life thanks to it too." She smiled when she thought of Ezra, how he'd saved her life and she saved his in turn. How silly their romance story had been so far.

When Lia stated this was not normal for the plants to be glowing and that her and Briar had discovered it recently, Syanna tilted her head in a curious gesture. She brought the glowing frond to her nose, giving it a curious sniff. It didn't smell off. "I'm not gonna be much help to you, I'm afraid," she admitted as she dropped the glowing branch. "I've never seen this before either. An infection, maybe, but I don't think it's a fungus. It's not all over my paws from touching it, so whatever it is isn't transferable." Syanna glanced around, noting the small stream nearby and some glowing reeds along its banks.

Syanna motioned for Lia to follow her over to the water, finding a cluster of horsetail growing near the water. The vixen-furred lady's eyes widened in delight. What a perfect lesson! "Oooh, over here!" Syanna stepped up to the horsetail, showing it off to Lia. "This is a very useful plant. It's called horsetail and it's used to help bind open wounds. The fibers in the stalk make for good sutures for stitches, and the goo inside is also a good adhesive on wounds or bandages." She gave the plant a confused look, then added, "It's not usually glowing though. It's usually just a vibrant green, but, uh... I guess this one's been infected too...?" Syanna pursed her lips in momentary thought. "Y'know what? I think I'm gonna take this one to the Hallows for some experimenting."

Syanna brought her claws to the stalk of the plant near its base and cut it free. The moment the plant was cut, however, the blue glow immediately faded into nothing, leaving just the green plant in her paws. Syanna stared at the herb in shock and wonder, blinking rapidly as if the glow might return if she refreshed her vision enough. "Ooooookaaaaay...? So it's definitely not an infection then. Huh..." Doing her best to hide her nervousness, Syanna gave Lia a weak smile all while also noticing how long the shadows seemed to stretch around them, almost unnaturally so given how much light was around them. "Y'know, maybe we should have these lessons another time, hmm?" she offered, already starting to back away from the glowing plants and head back for the Armada. Something was not right here.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.