
Which is the Voice that I was Meant to Hear?


08-09-2013, 04:16 PM

He could see her change as he spoke, the disappointment in her face fading. He hoped it would, seeing her in such a manner was saddening, to know he had made her upset by his foolishness. He didn't care if she still stood over him, as long as the look on her face was gone he was fine, and when he had continued on that look changed into something like curiosity. It made him smirk. She was calming down, relaxing.

Vioxes took a breath as Champion eased back, lowering her body to the ground. The atmosphere calmed down, and so he did the same, sitting back o his haunches then lowering his whole body down so that he lay on his stomach, a paw crossed over the other. Ears swiveled forward, his head tilting slightly to the side, catching the young woman's voice. She was asking how fond he was of her, the man couldn't help but gulp. He kind of hoped she would forget about that, just let it be and continue on with what they were doing, but it seemed like she wanted to hear it.

Exhaling the man lifted a paw from the ground, rubbing the back of his head, trying to think of way to word his thoughts without sounding mushy, silly or stupid. He had to look away from her, and when he looked back he could see the curiosity, the wanting to know what he thought. So with a heavy yet shy and embarrassed sigh he cleared his throat. ?Well... during our time together I have come to enjoy your company." He began, waiting for her reaction if she gave anything, but turned his gaze to his paws shyly. "You are a strong and interesting woman, many things I have come to like about you. I will be honest, my intentions at first was to serve my punishment for crossing Amenti's borders then get out of there, but for some reason I felt a need to stay by your side, to see more of you." He gulped, lifting his paw so he could poke at the ground with his claws. "Unlike some who just want you for your strength and beauty, I just wanna see you, what's under that tough shell."

Vioxes was so nervous, his heart racing, body warming up quickly. He was afraid that he was rambling, that he didn't give Champion the answer she was expecting or wanting. Who do you explain to someone how fond you are of them anyway? "I guess I'm just rambling now but I do want to get to know you better, learn what makes you smile or angry, be there for you when you need it, be able to enjoy life." The black and male would fall silent, lay there and wait, see what would happen. If she did not want any of this from him then he would understand, his feelings would be a little hurt but he would get over it. Vioxes would just continue to travel by her side if she allowed it, continue to enjoy life even if his goal had to change.


Awesome table by Nyx <3