
Tell me its a fever dream



3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
10-03-2021, 01:03 AM

Something unusual had touched this night, mid way through the winter that marked Deus an adult. Since Aureus' death the Abraxas youth had hidden himself for the most part away, shirking his duties and training and merely struggling to survive beneath the weight of survivors guilt. His parents thankfully did not push him, perhaps they knew that he'd soon see the error of his ways and what a mockery he was making of his godly lineage.

Nightmares were something of which Deus was familiar, and they lingered and persisted in spite of the medication his mother would prescribe to ward them off. They always had the same plot - the same scenes of Aureus, the earthquake, the stranger who made Aureus smile so brightly and both wolves losing their lives for his own. This time however the ending differed, and as the earth split open an unnatural blue glow spilled out from deep within it's depths, engulfing Deus with it's eerily tinted light and somehow, a sensation of peace.

He rocketed to his paws, alert and alarmed with his thick fur still standing on end. A glance out his hastily dug den had told him that night still lingered, though the dream had touched something strange in him and he had no desire to return to it tonight. The majority of the pack still slept soundly as he worked his way quietly out the den entrance and towards the gardens his mother so often frequented. Drawn to her like a moth to flame, he hardly noticed the unnatural hues that faintly tinted the night nor that the moon above was not yet due to be full.

"Mother?" He called out, finding comfort in her small presence almost instantly. The charcoal coated woman was heavily focused upon her plants, and as Deus gave them a cursory glance and saw the glow that radiated from them, he realized why. "Is it Abraxas' touch?" He asked suddenly. The religion of his father wasn't something the pair spoke of often, but Deus blurted out the question before he could think twice of it's appropriateness.
