
Tell me its a fever dream



3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
10-03-2021, 01:41 AM

Riva's command was easy to follow, and the obedient son did as he was bid and firmly shut the makeshift door behind him. He set his eyes upon the plants as she directed his attention there, watching as the subtle glow faded as she snipped it from it's root. Deus held it in his paw and peered down at it cautiously, half expecting the calming feeling the glow of his dream had placed upon him to return, though try as hard as he may the man felt nothing.

"Mmm." He acknowledged, placing the herb down with reverence. "It could be a blessing." Deus offered. That the odd glow to be a curse wasn't something he was willing to approach, not if it meant some disaster would fall upon their pack and his family once more. "I could find for you a subject, a rabbit or something, to test it upon?" Better Abraxas' will be tested upon a lowly woodland creature then one of their own.

His mother's frown pulled from him one of his own and he angled his head away, ears falling back to his skull. "Yes." He hesitated, considering leaving the confirmation without elaborating, but Deus was not one to lie to his mother and lie of omission was still a lie. "It was different this time, there was a blue glow like your plants. What could it mean?" While he'd never as a child judged nor looked down upon his mother for her lack of faith, he found himself wishing some part of her was a believer so she might be able to advise him with the same wisdom with which she approached all other aspects of life.
