
Tell me its a fever dream



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
10-03-2021, 02:17 AM

“That’s why I take care to do it properly, but I know what I'm doing and what's happening. A rabbit would just know pain and fear. It would be like torturing them. When we hunt, we do it to sustain ourselves, not to torture” She said gently, kissing his brow again.

“You're right, my little giant. You would also be looking for burning, itching, numbness, or a rash. Those would all be signs to avoid eating or using it.” she continued, but broke off her lecture. She could see there was far too much concern in her son's eyes. Perhaps from hearing she would test it on herself - or his dream, different to his usual nightmares, was affecting him.

No matter what she believed, he would be heard in her house, always. She put aside her lecture, moving the herbs back to her table to settle herself more squarely opposite him. “But reflecting light is only one possibility. Perhaps God might be trying to tell you something.” She suggested to him. She paused then, chewing her lip in thought. “There are some tribes of wolves that live far away from there, that smoke a certain herb to put themselves into a trance. To bring them closer to nature, and spirits, and see what the world might be telling them. If you promise me that you will never use this herb without supervision, perhaps we could perform a small test and see if there is anything else to be learned, if God is trying to tell you something?” she offered him. She had reservations, but she knew how to cut the herb to a safe dose and administer it in a way that would do him no harm.
