
Unicorns and Foxes



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-03-2021, 03:15 AM

The stallion stood silent sentinel at the top of the falls, but his eyes didn’t scan the land far below, instead staring quietly at the glowing foliage that had definitely not been glowing before when he’d met Balian here. Teal eyes narrowed as he lowered his horned head and examined the watercress that blazed with unnatural color.

His hide twitched in a brief shiver as his head rose once more, backing a step away to scan the area, nostrils flaring as his sharp ears caught a rustle. Soon a fox slipped from the brush. The stallion’s ears flicked forward as the furtive creature skulked along the riverside. Like the plants, it glowed. Blue, even in the eyes as the animal glanced his way—and it definitely wasn’t just a reflection from his coat striking the pupils.

The horse snorted sharply, and the fox, instead of scattering to the brush, turned and snarled at him. Taliesyn’s tail flicked side to side, undecided, until the animal dove at him. Fortunately for him – and unfortunately for the fox – he was standing at the cliff’s edge, and the horse stepped aside, pivoting with a snort of alarm as the animal sailed over the edge.

Quickly, he snaked his head out, catching the fox’s tail – barely – in his teeth and flipping his head to toss it back to safety. The beast was no threat, far from Valhalla, and no young pups in the pack to defend.

The fox scrabbled, panting, and bolted from sight with a scream and the stallion watched it flee, ears flat to the sides in concern. While he was used to glowing creatures — considering he and Aurielle, and her son all glowed, one could hardly not be used to it – it was strangely unsettling to see the foliage glowing, and small animals as well.

His eyes rose to the sky, eyeing the one of many other odd things he’d been seeing lately. The moon should have waned by now. Hells, it should have been at most a three-quarter moon on the way to half. But the moon hung bright and full in the sky, the stars gleaming coldly.

Taliesyn huffed, lips tightening fretfully. What strange happenings were ahoof this time? And what did it mean for the packs?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think