
Tell me its a fever dream



3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
10-03-2021, 03:38 AM

Riva put down her paw with the firm but kind words only a mother could manage and Deus gave a childlike groan, though did not push further. In the very least she agreed to for now settle on pieces of herself that were not currently attached to her, and that was already more then he knew she wanted to give. "Fine, yes, I'm partially satisfied." He grumbled, blowing an exhale through his nostrils. An argument with a parent seemed to Deus to always a losing one, no matter your age.

Deus' face lost it's gruff teenage-ish disappointment as she got to her paws and nudged him along. They were doing this now? His heart pounded in his chest, and the young Abraxas could not determine whether it was nerves or excitement. Riva spoke as they walked, grabbing herbs that Deus could not name and settling them into her satchel before leading him away from the enclosure. "Will He be angry that I'm reaching for information He has not yet allowed me to understand?" Deus asked hesitantly, accepting his mother's efforts and prodding further. Perhaps the subtlety of his nightmare and the strange happenings in the night sky were meant to be misunderstood, and Riva was unintentionally guiding her son against Abraxas' will. If He was angered, would the God punish Deus for daring to reach further, or Riva for leading him there?" Deus ducked his head while they climbed the hill, worry spreading through him.

Riva's instructions were easy to understand and the obedient direwolf did not hesitate in obeying her word. He sat himself upon the top of the hill, focusing his attention upon his muscles and forcing relaxation to come to them. It perhaps took him longer then necessary as he ensured he followed her instructions to the letter, and finally when he was sure he was as comfortable as possible, he met her steady gaze and searched the deep blue hues. They reminded him of the brilliant blue glow that had come to him in his dream and of the calmness that was brought along with it, and after basking in that peace a moment longer he allowed his eyes to shut as he was bid.
