
Which is the Voice that I was Meant to Hear?


08-09-2013, 04:55 PM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

With Vioxes now also laying down, Champion could hear quite clearly the heartfelt words that slowly poured one by one from his mouth. It was probably more words strung together in one go than she'd heard from him in a long time. And she was pleased to hear each one. He was slowly unfolding. Slowly letting his lips say what it was that his heart had contained. True to form though, it wasn't overly mushy, or dripping with complements or anything like that. It was said sweet and simple. He liked her. Alot. He wanted to stay by her side and keep getting to know her. To seek the greater beauty that was within.

At that part came the first real reaction from the giantess. Her eyes widened ever so slightly, forehead uncreasing as thoughts flew behind those cherrybomb eyes. Did he know how perfectly he was speaking? He talked upon the same subject as that albino male had - her - and yet they were night and day from eachother. When it came to a life long companion, Champion didn't know what she wanted anymore. She thought she had, that is, she knew what qualities attracted her. But wolves are so much more than a couple of traits squashed together. Each is something different and unquic and irreplaceable.

When Champion somehow managed to surface from her thoughts, Vioxes was apologizing for rambling. A gentle smirkish smile from the fae assured him that he was not. It was her head that seemed to be rambling. When Vio spoke, things were made clear. The last statement he made, about how his great desire was to stay with her... to be there for her... to learn what it was that made up her soul... It- it was incredible. It was as though everything she had found lacking in the 'grand' ice king, could be found in the little male who'd been following her along for nigh on a season. Champion swallowed, the act hidden by her thick fur, but meaningful all the same. She felt suddenly that perhaps she had misjudged her Vio. She hadn't given him credit for this much depth and this much soul. ... nor this much devotion to her.

"Please," she murmured, when he was done, "I didn't mean to be harsh earlier. The truth is, I want you to come along with me. I do. I just had to make sure it was what you really wanted; that you weren't just tailing along out because you had nothing better to do or because changing your habits would be too hard. You're a good wolf, Vio, and you deserve to get what you want." Something glimmer in those burgundy depths of hers. "That you can care this much about me..." she trailed off, deeply touched. Happily, this was one wish she was able to grant.

"I would be happy to share the road with you, Vio, wherever it leads.

. . .