
Azhana litter — Fatalis Koi



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-03-2021, 11:21 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2021, 12:05 PM by Mud. Edited 13 times in total.)


Out-of-Character Name: bones
Character's Name: Brine
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 44"
Size: Dire
Build: Medium

Appearance Description:
Brine is a large beast. As an adult, he will tower over most of his family, except his father and (isn't sea's character huge)??. He holds muscle easily due to his lifestyle, so underneath thick pale fur show brawny muscles. Most of his weight is his impressive musculature. His gait has an air of confidence to it like he's better than anyone else. Brine's voice is appealing; rich and deep, and a bit gravelly especially when he first wakes up. His eyes are similar to his father's, a brilliant green-blue hue. His face bears a marking like a messy splatter of paint with the vague hint of Fatalis across his eye in a shade of aqua. The rest of his pelt is mostly pale, with a splattering of soft pink and intense aqua. Brine's legs are similar to his father's, but messier, as is his tail. He inherits elongated fangs like Azure.
Mutations: Fangs

proud, rash, loyal, fierce, clever, jealous, spiteful

He believes that he is the best thing to happen to the world, and his conceited attitude shows. He's proud of his family and heritage and finds anyone outside of that family to be... less. That being said, he can put on a pleasant face if he needs to be diplomatic. If he feels wronged or slighted in any way, he will remember for quite a while. He may not mention it, but in the back of his mind he knows, and if he feels like he needs to act on it he will. Sometimes in the heat of the moment, he may act a little rash; rushing in to attack without asking enough questions will be his cornerstone.
He loves his family dearly and they are what keeps him going. His loyalty cannot be tested. If anyone he holds dear is threatened or in peril, he will fiercely protect them, whether it be with words or teeth. Usually teeth. When it comes to politics and mysteries, he can be clever in putting two and two together. Sometimes this skill works against Brine because he'll overthink and become jealous. If he feels he isn't getting the attention he deserves (read: all of it) then he will act out. His malice is usually emotionally charged and spiteful. He'll point out that one thing you wish he didn't, and he doesn't see the problem.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Skills: Fighting & Hunting

will need albino pass, fangs, green color...