
If you go out in the woods today


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
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10-03-2021, 05:12 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 03:35 PM by Gilgamesh. Edited 2 times in total.)

Hunger rumbled in his stomach something fierce. It had been a few days since his last meal, that much was obvious. Hunger struck his eyes as he peered around the foreign landscape. In an attempt to warm his bones from the frigid north, he had found his way down south. Marshlands wound their way into the lands of Boreas as twisted trees rose to the sky. Lately, the moon hung low in the sky, bright and hazy as foggy clouds attempted to hide its appearance. Something was wrong with their homelands, but he couldn't explain why. Dusk had fallen quickly as fireflies spread out around him. As a few buzzed in his ears, he was quick to shake them away in agitation. He had no time to be messing with little bugs when he was on the search for something to eat.

Up ahead, a larger wolf stood in a defensive position. Her grey and black coat bristled in a fixated position. Does she really think she can fight this thing alone? The thought rang through his head as he watched the scene unfold. While she was a large being, what she growled at was even larger. Pausing for a moment since his search was now delayed, he eyed the terrifying creature as it rose up on hind legs. Gilgamesh's yellow eyes grew wide in both awe and fear. What in the world was he looking at? Was it a bear? A monster? Skin hung loose on its body as blood and spit dripped from its gaping jaw. The roar emitted from its grizzled throat permeated the air with a decaying smell. Wrinkling his nose, Gil questioned whether he should help her or not.

Gritting his teeth and regretting his next moment, his mottled body sprung forward. Letting loose his own version of a snarl, Gil flattened his ears and folded up his lips. While his shining white canines gnashed angrily toward the creature, its own yellowed and broken set flared out in defiance. Matching her stance with tight muscles and hackles raised, Gil lunged toward the oozing bear with little fur to be seen. Snapping at its feet, he hoped to get it down on all fours and chase it off. Surely this wouldn't suffice as an appealing meal.


gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him