If you go out in the woods today
She hadn’t been expecting company, least of all company that would come to her defence. Daphne barely registered the man’s appearance, only appreciating that he didn’t hesitate to spring into action. He was right of course, in aiming for the blasted creatures feet. If they could get it on the ground then maybe they could work together to drive it off.
The younger wolf mirrored the older, aiming for the opposite leg with bared teeth. Her teeth found their mark and flesh broke open on the creature, but as it came down A deep burning was set alight in her right shoulder and the coppery scent of blood filled the air, but as it came down a deep burning was set alight in her right shoulder and the coppery scent of fresh blood filled the air. She released her hold and tried to pull back, her right leg instinctively pulled up to her chest, her coursing blood leaving the snow stained red as she moved. Adrenalin still coursed through her veins and she tested the limb, finding it steady enough (for now), to rally for a second attempt.