
Team Free Will



08-09-2013, 05:26 PM

. . .

The grey she-wolf seemed to misread the roughness in his words for true spite. She replied back bitterly, sending Cross once more into silence. Honestly, it didn't really effect him, but it didn't induce him to extra polite in the future either. Here was another youth traveling on her own, who seemed to have developed her fair share of spunk. Perhaps life had been rough to her too. Eventually an explaination for her words came, informing the lad of why she'd called out to him in such a fashion. For a moment he rather regretted tacking the word 'too' only his earlier question. He'd let slip something about himself in hopes of finding someone who perhaps understood through a similar plight. But such was not the case.

Instead, the fae - who he couldn't deny was lovely - spoke of another real creature. And in such a pining sort of way that Cross couldn't help but frown. "Doesn't sound like a very nice wolf," came a rather toneless, frank muttering. Why was it that the darker-hearted wolves always seemed to go after the young? To spoil what should've been blissful childhoods? And why did the she-wolf sound like - like she was missing the so called ghost? Maybe it was just a trick of his ears. He wasn't exactly an expert at reading others. Still he felt called upon to embellish. "To have someone disappear, and be forced to remain little but an empty shell..." the words trailed into a sigh that was heavier than he'd meant it to be. It stung sharply of personal experience. His eyes had roved away - lingering over the ancient stone work as his mind sought to push finishing words to his tongue. "... I can think of few worse fates."

Cross had only recently heard the news: His mother and father were very soon to be departing. Crusade was old and knew her time for this world was not long. Cifer loved her more than life itself and he would go with her of course. But more than that - Creed, Cross's brother was going with them. And as for Crucible, Cross didn't seem to see him anymore, for all he knew the boy was sick of rogue band life and had wandered off already. Meanwhile Orica, his cousin was going off on some tom-fool healer's retreat, maybe for a year. Cross's immediate family - his one illusion of safety in the world - was disappearing.

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