
Something along those lines

Patrolling the border -Nav points-



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-03-2021, 06:14 PM

Drachen took his gaze away from the terrain and looked back at Audra, listening silently as she gave her answer and then gave the girl a small but friendly smile with a nod of his dark head. "Very good." his soft voice rumbled and he gave one last scan of the land beyond just to satisfy himself that the wolf the scent belong to was, in fact, gone before walking again. "Would you report that finding to your superior?" he asked the girl. It was a tough question for someone who wasn't used to patrolling a border or belonging to a pack and at the end of the day mostly depended on who was the head of the patrols and what they wanted to be informed of. But it was a valid question non the less and Drachen ask it to get the smaller wolf to think about more than just walking along the edge of a pack boundary and marking. He, himself, always reported even the smallest of findings so that Cairo was aware and could inform the other pack members so that they too could be aware of it in case it happened to be a scout looking for weaknesses for a rival pack. There were some wolves like him that were skilled in masking their scent and the scent of their home so that they could carry out reconnaissance missions.

"You also want to keep a look out for other predators that might pose a threat to the pack and anything dangerously close needs to have the pack alerted immediately. A friend of mine has encountered a bear more than once in and around Valhalla." he continued on in his lesson, cast his oceanic gaze to Audra for a moment before he stopped and pointed to a lone tree with deep, old claw marks taller than any wolf on its trunk with a flick of his muzzle. His deep blue eyes glimmered for a moment as he thought back to when he first gave to Valhalla to join and found Ardyn fighting a bear and stopped to help the boy who happened to be the Spirit's son. He continued walking again and this time his nose lifted to the air as he caught his own scent ion the gentle winter breeze from where he had started earlier in the day. They were almost done with this patrol but he was more than willing to continue the lesson if the girl asked.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated