
Which is the Voice that I was Meant to Hear?


08-09-2013, 05:32 PM

Though he felt incredibly nervous, shy, embarrassed, the man was able to smirk through it when he finally got a reaction out of the woman. Though small it stood out to him, her eyes widening at his confession. He was unsure how to feel about it though, was it a good surprise or bad one? Even if it was a bad one he was glad he had told her, got it out there so she knew how he felt, and if she turned him down then he would stop any pursuit.He didn't want to push her away be continuing, stopping was the best option.

And as he finished up a smirk played across her lips, this was good... he hoped. An ear twitched at her voice, eyes hopefully yet calm, his racing heart slowly down a bit. She apologized for being harsh to him earlier, that was quite alright. She went on to tell him that she did want him to come along, that she had to make sure it was what he wanted and that he wasn't just doing it because he had nothing better to do. He shook his head, there was no way he would do it just because he had nothing else better to do, he wanted to because he wanted to be by her side. She called him a good wolf, making him smile, that he deserved what he wanted. His heart nearly dropped, eyes slightly going wide. Was she about to decline him?

He had missed the glimmer in her eyes, his gaze going to her paws, preparing himself for her to deny his feelings. He had hoped she would accept them, but something just was telling him no, to back off. So with a deep breath he looked back to her, ready for the news. "I would be?happy?to share the road with you, Vio, wherever it leads.? His ears went back, jaws ajar in surprise. She... she accepted. A rush of happiness overwhelmed the man, Champion wasn't declining him. He couldn't help but smile like an idiot, lifting a paw and rubbing the side of his face with a light laugh. ?Thi-this is great. This makes me so happy." He said, leaning up and gently touching her nose briefly before pulling away. "Hopfully the path leads to something wonderful." He said with that goofy grin. This was great, he was so happy.



Awesome table by Nyx <3