
s i g n s--o f--l i f e


08-10-2013, 09:11 PM
The Northern region of Alacritis hadn't at all been his cup of tea. After running into that Snow Leopard there he had decided to leave the area alone. He definitely didn't want to come across her again. As for the Islands, where he had first arrived in Alacritis, he found them to be too warm for his liking. Too much like the area where Nylen had moved it's pack to. He still recalled the name of that territory -- The White Sand beach.

Kar shook his head to shake the memory from his mind. Even throughout his travels he still thought of his birthlands. He missed his family... the familiar wolves and creatures they had hunted. He even missed the tension that had been between his Clan and the Clan of the river. His aunt hadn't been fond of the alphess there... nor her mate. Yet she had accepted one of their sons into the lands because he didn't believe in what his parents were doing.

Kar walked slowly through the woods, listening to the sounds among the trees. The stroll was leisurely, though he knew after he had his fill of the area he was going to go and find Zanire once more. The bear had provided excellent company thus far. He appreciated her wisdom and how she soothed the ache loneliness had placed over his heart in his travels.

The brute came to a stop, lifting his muzzle towards the sky and scenting the wind. It brought different scents to him... but one in particular interested him. It was the scent of another wolf, female, who was alone. She was close by, he also noted, before he began to move once more through the woods, seeking the one whose scent he had caught.

Several minutes later rewarded him with the discovery of the she wolf he had been seeking. She was laying beneath a large oak tree. She was skinny... and didn't appear to be all that well off. She looked just... worn down.

Kar approached her, his voice calm and not too loud as he spoke. "Miss? Are you okay? Do you need some help?" He asked, coming to a stop just a few pawsteps from her.