
Tell me its a fever dream



3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
10-04-2021, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2021, 12:56 AM by Asmodeus. Edited 1 time in total.)

It felt like he'd been staring down at the feather for hours when his mother's voice sounded once more. Her words were a whisper, but he felt their weight as if they'd been carried across the smoke directly into him. The familiarity comforted him, but as he stared down at the feather and felt the faint echo if her speech Deus felt the pit of dread in his stomach return with more intensity then he'd felt since his nightmare. The plumage was no longer glowing, but the longer he looked down upon it the more it seemed that the blue glow had transferred to his paw pads and began to leech up his forelegs.

Deus dropped the feather and turned back toward his mother and the circle of candles beside which she sat. In the bordering trees he swore he could see hundreds of the bird, all with beaks wide in song but silent as the dead. The moon's glow was as unrelenting as the sun, engulfing his mother in it's vibrancy. "I don't know." He admitted eventually, finding it difficult to put words to the sights. Would Riva think him silly or a liar for admitting to her what he'd seen? If it was all a hallucination, Deus did not want his mother to think he was attempting to manipulate her subconsciously or not. He tried to remember how he'd felt when he'd initially seen the nightingale, perhaps through that first reaction he could determine if Abraxas had blessed or cursed his mother's name, but all Deus could remember was the fear and dread. "I'm scared." He admitted aloud. "Can you stop it?" Even his own voice was beginning to sound wrong, at some points seeming miles away and others sounding like he'd shouted the words in his head.

